ITB Set to Take Home Victory from Students Creativity Week 2011

Oleh UKM Student English Forum

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BANDUNG, - In one of the finishing events of the long chain of preparation trainings for the Students Creativity Week (Pekan Kreativitas Mahasiswa/PKM) 2011, Bandung Institute of Technology together with the Family of Islamic Students (Keluarga Mahasiswa Islam/GAMAIS) conducted the PKM Seminar. The seminar, like other forms of training that preceded it, is the campus' effort in order to prepare the delegates that would be sent to compete in PKM 2011.
In an elaboration delivered by Dr. Ciptati, a key speaker in the seminar, innovation and collaboration are the two key elements in creating a good research and project proposal in order to compete. "Find new topics and work together with other study majors," she stressed. She also explained the importance of an accurate financial planning for the proposal.

According to the Monash University graduate, ITB is always close to becoming the grand winner of the event. "The variety of research and project topics are already enormous in the previous years. With just several simple touches, we're set to dominate," she claimed.

Improving Creativity

PKM is a program initiated by the Directorate of Research and Community Development of the General Directorate of High Education to increase the quality of students in universities. In the previous PKM, 51 out of 218 proposals sent by ITB students successfully gained approval to be funded. 16 out of these 51 projects competed in the grand final. ITB won 3 gold and 2 silver for poster category, 2 silver, 2 bronze, and 1 favorite for presentation. With all those achievements, ITB ranked 9th out of all the participants.

Dr. Eng. Sandro Mihradi, Sekretaris Bidang Non-Kurikuler dan Kemasyarakatan Lembaga Kemahasiswaan (LK) ITB, menjelaskan, animo mahasiswa ITB untuk mengikuti PKM semakin meningkat setiap tahun. "Anda sudah menjadi mahasiswa terpilih di ITB, fasilitas penelitian juga tersedia dengan baik di ITB. Jika potensi ini dikembangkan, maka kita bisa menjadi pemenang," ujarnya.

Dr. Sandro Mihradi, ITB's Secretary of Non-Curricular and Community Activities, stated that students' interest to participate in the event increases every year. With all the existing facilities and support from the campus, a victory is in order.

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