Prevention and Eradication of Gender-based Violence

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Vera Citra Utami

BANDUNG, – Siti Aminah Tardi, the commissioner of the National Commission on Violence Against Women (Komnas Perempuan), was the speaker at the Studium Generale KU-4078 Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) on Wednesday (24/2/2021). This public lecture with the title “Prevention and Eradication of Gender-based Violence” was conducted online through Zoom and streamed live on ITB’s Youtube channel. The agenda was opened by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ir. Widjaja Martokusumo and guided by Ardhana Riswarie, S.Sn., M.A. as the moderator.

Siti started her class by explaining the background of Komnas Perempuan. Komnas Perempuan was established after the sexual violence directed against Chinese women in 1998. This unfortunate event was not well-responded by the government so it ignited the enthusiasm of women to perform their movement to encourage the government at that time.

Siti explained that Komnas Perempuan is not a part of either the executive, legislative, or judicative institutions. In fact, it is included in the National Institutions on Human Rights (LNHAM).

Komnas Perempuan has several tasks such as improving public awareness about the significance of women’s rights and monitoring
In general, Siti stated that gender-based violence reflected the violence against women because it often targets them. However, this does not mean that men will never experience it. “Gender-based violence also happened to men, yet the reports are few. According to the data, the cases are very much lopsided to women’s,” she added.

As reported by the General Recommendations of CEDAW no.19, violence against women is violence directed at women because of their gender identity as female or violence that affects women proportionately. It is divided into four categories, namely violence against physical, sexual, psychological, and economic. This violence can happen in a variety of purviews such as household, community, and country.

Not a Trivial Matter

Gender-based violence should not be taken lightly because it considerably affects physical, mental, sexual, and economic. This violence can also cause the victim injury, depression, and death.

Siti said that gender-based violence—usually experienced by women—is a manifestation of the historical relationship that used to put women below men. Patriarchal society perpetuated domination and discrimination against them. Furthermore, those actions also became obstacles to women’s advancement.

Such a system used to be considered normal because it was preserved by some individuals, families, and the public. “To conclude, this violence happens because women are considered in the subordinated position,” she stated.

After identifying the causes and impacts, it is necessary to prevent, treat, and help victims recover from gender-based violence. In order to do that, synergy is needed among each individual, family, community, and country. “Those efforts cannot be executed alone,” she said.
In this case, Siti explained the prevention and eradication that can be done by the government. For example, adding the principle of gender equality in policies. Moreover, the government is obligated to refrain from discriminating against women.

In the end, Siti also mentioned that the public should take action in preventing, eradicating, recovering, and protecting women from gender-based violence. As previously stated, synergy is needed among each individual, family, community, and country to take a part in handling this major issue.

Reporter: Kevin Agriva Ginting (TPB 2020)
Translator: Sekar Dianwidi B. (Rekayasa Hayati 2019)

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