Electrical Engineering and Ocean Engineering Received ABET Accreditation, First in Indonesia

By UKM Student English Forum

Editor UKM Student English Forum

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - The Electrical Engineering Major from the School of Electrical and Informatics Engineering (Sekolah Teknik Elektro dan Informatika, STEI) together with the Ocean Engineering Major from the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering (Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan, FTSL) became the first majors in the country to receive accreditation from the Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology.
The decision was made public by the respective majors after the deans of both faculties received letters from ABET Chairman for Engineering Commission, Peter J. Carrato.

International Standard

ABET, Inc. is an organization that accredits universities in applied science, computation, engineering, and technology. As one of the most prestigious accreditor organization in the United States, ABET has accredited over 3100 study programs throughout over 600 universities in various countries in the globe.

The ABET accreditation is acknowledged internationally and is a widely accepted guarantee of quality for the accredited universities. The accreditation process in ITB has gone through several years, starting from 2010, with steps involving evaluation of documents and direct visit to ITB. The factors being accredited involve the students, the majors' objectives, curriculum, teachers' qualification, administration, facilites and supporting services and financial matters.

During the visit to ITB, the ABET team has also taken into account more direct factors such as class materials, student projects, interview to students, lecturers, and faculty members. A written recommendation is then sent to the central ABET office to give a green light in providing the accreditation.

"Akreditasi ABET ini menuntut kita semua agar selalu sigap terhadap perubahan baik dari sisi keilmuan maupun dari kebutuhan negara kita, karena hal ini merupakan prinsip utama dalam kita melakukan perbaikan yang berkesinambungan.  Pengakuan yang kita dapatkan sekarang bukanlah titik puncak tetapi adalah suatu amanah yang harus terus ditingkatkan," ujar Ir. Yudi S. Gondokaryono, Ph.D selaku ketua dari tim ABET.

"This accreditation compels us to be adaptive to changes, both in the science that we learn and also from the needs of our country. This acknowledgement is not a final goal and should not be seen as one. Rather, it is a title we must strive to keep," as said by Yudi S. Gondokaryono, Ph.D as the head of the ABET  team.