ITB Honors 12 Awards at the 104th Year Commemoration of Engineering Higher Education in Indonesia
By Anggun Nindita -
Editor Anggun Nindita

BANDUNG, - To commemorate the 104th years anniversary of Engineering Higher Education in Indonesia (PTTI), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) awarded 12 individuals or institutions for their achievements, services, and contributions to the development of science and technology.
The awards were presented by ITB Rector, Prof. Reini Wirahadikusumah, Ph.D., during the Open Session of the 104th Commemoration of Engineering Higher Education in Indonesia on Wednesday (3/7/2024) at the West Hall of ITB Ganesha Campus, Bandung.
There are five award categories: Ganesa Prajamanggala Bakti Adiutama, Ganesa Widya Jasa Adiutama, Ganesa Widya Jasa Utama, Ganesa Wirya Jasa Utama, and Ganesa Widya Jasa.
The University Secretary, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ir. Widjaja Martokusumo, congratulated the award recipients on behalf of Institut Teknologi Bandung in his opening remarks.
“Hopefully, these awards can further advance higher technical education and motivate all of us to continue achieving and contributing to engineering universities in Indonesia,” he said.
List of Award Recipients:
1. Dr. (H.C.) Ir. H. Suharso Monoarfa
Ganesa Prajamanggala Bakti Adiutama Award for outstanding service during his tenure as a Minister in the Indonesian Cabinet.
2. Dr. Ir. Suyus Windayana, M.App.Sc.
Ganesa Widya Jasa Adiutama Award for contributions to land management in Indonesia.
3. Prof. Hideki Shimada
Ganesa Widya Jasa Adiutama Award for opening the door to long-term cooperation between ITB and Kyushu University, Japan.
4. National Transportation Safety Committee
Ganesa Widya Jasa Utama Award for developing expertise in objective transportation accident investigations.
5. Dipl. -Ing. Putu Gde Wanya
Ganesa Widya Jasa Utama Award for pioneering mastery of manufacturing technology design and crane installation, enhancing the value of Indonesian industry.
6. apt. Audrey Clarissa, S.Si.
Ganesa Widya Jasa Utama Award for active roles in improving education quality, research, and innovation in pharmacy.
7. PT Meprofarm Pharmaceutical Industries
Ganesa Widya Jasa Utama Award for developing science and technology and innovation in pharmaceutical product formulations.
8. PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk.
Ganesa Widya Jasa Utama Award for pioneering cooperation with SITH oriented towards bioengineering development.
9. USAID Indonesia
Ganesa Wirya Jasa Utama Award for supporting ITB's development.
10. Filda Citra Yusgiantoro, S.T., M.B.M., M.B.A., Ph.D.
Ganesa Wirya Jasa Utama Award for significant participation in the development of research, education, and infrastructure at ITB.
11. Ir. Ricardo Irwan Rei, M.Sc., MBA
Ganesa Wirya Jasa Utama Award for significant contributions to the development of ITB's Human Resource Management during the 2020-2024 period.
12. Ir. Teddy Sutadi Kardin
Ganesa Widya Jasa Award for popularizing geology not only in the field of geology but also in the military (geomilitary).
This commemoration is not just a celebration but an important moment of reflection on the contributions of ITB's academic community, including lecturers, students, and educational staff, throughout its long journey. The hope is that ITB can become part of the solution to national issues and serve as a good place for innovation.