ITB Inaugurated 2,987 Graduates in the First Graduation Ceremony of Academic Year 2019/2020
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – Institut Teknologi Bandung held The First Graduation Ceremony of Academic Year 2019/2020 in Sasana Budaya Ganesa Hall. The ceremony was held in two days on 18-19 October 2019.
The ceremony saw inauguration of 1798 graduates of Undergraduate Programs, 1019 graduates of Master Programs, 114 graduates of Professional Engineer Program, and 56 graduates of Doctoral Programs, making a total of 2,987 graduates.
Friday, 18 October 2019, ITB held the ceremony for graduates of undergraduates programs under FTTM, FMIPA, FSRD, FTMD, FTSL, SAPPK, SITH, and Professional Engineer Program. On Saturday, 19 October 2019, ITB held two sessions of graduation. The morning session was for graduates of undergraduates programs under FITB, FMIPA, FSRD, FTMD, FTMD, FTSL, SAPPK, SITH, Professional Engineer Program, while the afternoon session was for graduates of Doctoral and Master’s Programs of all Faculties/Schools.
The ceremony also saw graduation of 15 international students who come from seven different countries, such as Cambodia, Ecuador, Madagascar, Malaysia, Rwanda, Timor Leste, and Vietnam.
Words on Leadership
This graduation ceremony, Rector Kadarsah Suryadi delivered a speech titled “The Role of ITB in Realizing the Nation’s Dream through Leadership of Its Graduates”. Leadership theme is highlighted as a message for the graduates to hold onto and implement leadership in their working life ahead.
Prof. Kadarsah said that many ITB graduates have become leaders in various fields and organizational levels ever since the establishment of ITB. The first president of Indonesia, Soekarno, and the third president, B. J. Habibie are the examples of leaders coming as ITB alumni.
“You will begin your leadership journey in various organizational levels that you choose to do and pursue. Leadership will be your problem and responsibility. As ITB alumni, you are expected to be credible leaders, following the path made by your forerunners,” Kadarsah said.
He said that leadership is earned mainly from experience. However, it does not mean everyone who have experience can lead. Only the ones who do observations and reflections of their activities or actions during their leadership processes may become effective leaders. “And these reflections, observations, and reflections are referred to by D’Kolb as Experiential Learning model. Other things that should be kept in mind is that this Experiential Learning will never stop as long as you are working,” he said.
One of ITB’s mission is to conduct the Three Pillars of Higher Education, namely education, research, and community service. The activities of this Three Pillars will develop leadership and produce leaders. The activities include knowledge transfer and skill honing through experience.
“In several Faculties/Schools in ITB, such as in Faculty of Industrial Technology and School of Business and Management, leadership is a mandatory course in undergraduate programs and optional in master’s programs. You may study about leadership, but it does not guarantee to make you an effective leader unless you keep doing observation and reflection to every step you take. This determine effective leaders from the others,” Kadarsah said.