Prof. Srihadi, a Renowned Painter and ITB's Symbol Designer, Passed Away
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – Institut Teknologi Bandung has just lost one of its professors. He is Prof. Kanjeng Raden Haryo Tumenggung H. Srihadi Sudarsono Adhikoesoemo, MA., a retired professor from the Faculty of Fine Art and Design, who passed on Saturday (26/2/2022) at 05.20 UTC+7 in Bandung.
Prof. Srihadi who was known as a talented painter died at the age of 90 years old. He was an ITB alumnus that has created many world-renowned paintings. To commemorate the legacy of the deceased ITB held a military funeral procession at the ITB East Hall. Earlier, a funeral prayer was held at the ITB Salman Mosque. The deceased was later buried at Taman Makam Pahlawan, Kalibata, Jakarta.
ITB University Secretary, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ir. Widjaja Martokusumo delivered a message from the ITB Rector that said the deceased was a polite and respectful person during his life, both to his seniors and juniors. He presented countless achievements, selfless services, and deepest devotions to both his nation and his people, which I cannot mention one by one.
"On this important occasion, on behalf of the ITB larger family, I would like to express my deepest condolences to the family of Prof. Kanjeng Raden Haryo Tumenggung H. Srihadi Sudarsono Adhikoesomo, MA. may Allah Swt. accept all his good deeds and forgive all his sins and may God Almighty, Allah Swt., bless him a higher place in Jannah.," said the ITB Rector message which was delivered by the ITB University Secretary.
Prof. Srihadi was born in Solo, Central Java, on 4 December 1931. He graduated from the Bandung Faculty of Engineering in 1959, which at that time was a part of Universitas Indonesia. He continued his Master of Arts at The Ohio State University (graduated in 1962), he then took the Fulbright-Hays grant research program in 1980 at the same university.
He was awarded the Professor title at Institut Teknologi Bandung in 1992, he taught at his first alma mater for 40 years and received the ITB Bakti Cendekia Utama Award in 1998.
Based on the book Aura Biru – Notes from ITB Senior which was published by ITB in 2009, there is an article that is titled "ITB Campus Nostalgia, in Five Color Aura" written by A.D. Pirous. In the article, it is said that Prof. Srihadi is one of the designers of the ITB logo which is still used today. The task of designing this logo was carried out by famous ITB figures, such as Prof. Ir. Soetedjo, Prof. S. Soemardja, Prof. Soemono, dan Prof. Ir. R.O. Kosasih.
Reporter: Adi Permana
Translator: Favian Aldilla