Upon Achieving the Highest Score in Indonesia According to THE Rankings, ITB Strengthens Research on the International Stage
By Anggun Nindita
Editor Anggun Nindita

BANDUNG. itb.ac.id – The government institution “Times Higher Education” has announced the world university rankings for 2023. Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) has ranked first in the research field with a score of 25.8.
The Times Higher Education World Rankings 2023 included 1.799 universities worldwide. The rankings are determined on various indicators, one of which is research.
The ITB Chair of Institute for Innovation Development and Entrepreneurship Ir. R. Sugeng Joko Sarwono, M.T, Ph.D., stated that collaboration in both industry and research conducted all this time has shown that the technology products developed by ITB have made great contributions to the community.
“Looking at the journey from year to year, compared to other universities, ITB’s scores appear to be higher for research activity and industry involvement,” he added.
He mentioned that ITB’s technological products and innovations are the result of extensive research. Thus, the resulting technology products have long-term benefits.
Not only do the statements stop there, the ITB Chair of Institute for Research and Community Services (LPPM) Dr. Yuli Setyo Indartono emphasized that ITB’s research endeavors would be continuous. In fact, it is now taking steps towards international scope.
LPPM itself provides funding for ITB’s lecturers to conduct international research. This not only expands their networks but also facilitates international publication opportunities.
“Of course, there is a new point related to international networking. This can encourage our lecturers on the international stage. In this case, ITB, as an educational institution, can compete globally,” he said.
Meanwhile, the Secretary of ITB Institute for Science and Technology Development (LPIT) Dr. Grandprix Thomryes Marth Kadja, M.Si. stated that ITB has done various research collaborations with internationally renowned universities.
“ITB’s distinct feature in these collaborations is its focus on science and technology. A wide range of international research has been conducted in the past year. As a result, lecturers are now required to engage in research with partners from abroad,” he explained.ITB has also established partnerships with several universities that have excellent reputations not only in Asia but also worldwide. For instance, ITB’s collaboration with two universities in Singapore: Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and National University of Singapore (NUS).
“ITB has partnered with NTU and NUS, and we consider ourselves equals in terms of our colleague position. Therefore, this partnership is on an equal footing,” he added. He hopes that with the various research and innovations that have been done so far, ITB will be able to give a positive international impact.
“Based on the capacity, research, and community service that have been progressing so well, there is still room for improvement. Consequently, in the future, ITB aims to become a leader in international collaboration as well,” he concluded.
Reporter: Anggun Nindita
Translator: Sherina Wijaya
Editor: Hanna Daniela Ayu