SEAGA Conference 2006
Oleh Krisna Murti
Editor Krisna Murti

Southeast Asian Geography Association, akan menyelenggarakan SEAGA Conference 2006 pada 28-30 November 2006. Tema yang diangkat konferensi tingkat internasional kali ini adalah Sustainability and Southeast Asia: Thinking and Acting for Our Common Future. Tahun ini konferensi akan diselenggarakan di Singapura, dengan Nanyang Girls High School sebagai tuan rumah. SEAGA mengundang perspektif yang beragam mengenai "keberlanjutan" dari akademisi, pembuat keputusan, wirausahawan, peneliti, dan edukator. Tujuan konferensi ini adalah untuk mendebat kemajuan yang telah dibuat menuju pembangunan berkelanjutan di wilayah Asia Tenggaran -oleh pemerintah nasional, di kota-kota dan wilayah agraris serta bisnisnya. Debat ini akan dimulai dengan menerjemahkan konsep "keberlanjutan" dalam terminologi yang relevan bagi pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan.
Mereka yang berminat menjadi pemakalah dipersilakan mengirimkan abstraksinya ke SEAGA Conference Organising Committee di atau sebelum 31 May 2006. Subtema konferensi ini adalah:
1. Sustainable Development and the Southeast Asian Agenda
· Global changes and local vulnerabilities
· Relevance of sustainability in Southeast Asian development
· Sustainability and the ASEAN way?
2. Sustainability and Education
· Eco-education and relevance in Southeast Asian development
· Environmental education in schools and institutes of learning
3. Economic growth, competitiveness and sustainable development
· Global and regional competition
· National and local responses
· Environmental justice
4. Sustainability and Society
· Social justice and Southeast Asian society
· Multi-ethnicity and issues of social cohesion
· The nation-building project in Southeast Asia
· Social differences and disparities
· Globalisation and social fragmentation
5. Politics, policies and sustainability
· Governance and sustainable development
· Public policies, environmental agendas and ecological protection
6. Population, carrying capacities and ecological footprints
· Growth Trends and implications for sustainability
· Distribution and resources
· Consumption patterns and societies in Southeast Asia
7. Cities and sustainable development
· Urbanisation trends and implications
· Can cities be sustainable?
· Human ecology and the urban eco-system
8. Health and development issues
· Health care delivery and affordability
· Regional vulnerability to viral infections
9. Nature, culture and society
· Nature-society relations in Southeast Asia
· Environmental agendas and cultures
· Technology, culture and Southeast Asian societies
10. Securing water supplies
· Transboundary water management
· Population growth, climate change, terrorism and water security
· Flow regulation of rivers and aquatic ecosystems
11. Living with natural hazards
· Managing risks from natural hazards
· Storm surges, flooding and emergency management in coastal cities
· Developing an Indian Ocean tsunami warning system
12. Karst geomorphology
· Landscape evolution and karst
· Hydrogeology
· Unique ecosystems and their conservation
13. Remote sensing and GIS: their contribution to environmental management in southeast Asia
· Land use planning
· Integrated environmental management systems
· Fire management
· Monitoring
14. SE Asia and environmental management
· Regulatory vs voluntary frameworks
· Capacity-building for environmental management
· Response to Kyoto Protocol: ASEAN, national, corporate
· Regional innovation
15. Agriculture and sustainable development in SE Asia
· Tree crops, commercial forestry, shifting cultivation and fire management
· Land use conflict resolution
· GMOs in SE Asia
· Environmental impacts of irrigation
16. Tourism and its role in sustainable development
· Eco-tourism and its impact on ecosystems
· Cultural tourism and the preservation of historic buildings
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