Journal of Mathematical and Fundamental Sciences

Journal of Mathematical and Fundamental SciencesJournal of Mathematical and Fundamental Sciences welcomes full research articles in the area of Mathematics and Natural Sciences from the following subject areas: Astronomy, Chemistry, Earth Sciences (Geodesy, Geology, Geophysics, Oceanography, Meteorology), Life Sciences (Agriculture, Biochemistry, Biology, Health, Medical, Pharmacy), Mathematics, Physics, and Statistics.

Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences

Journal of Engineering and Technological SciencesJournal of Engineering and Technological Sciences welcomes full research articles in the area of Engineering Sciences from the following subject areas: Aerospace Engineering, Biotechnology, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Engineering Physics, Environmental Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Information Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Material Science and Engineering, Manufacturing Processes, Microelectronics, Mining Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, and other application of physical, biological, chemical and mathematical sciences in engineering. Authors are invited to submit articles that have not been published previously and are not under consideration elsewhere.

Journal of ICT Research and Applications

Journal of ICT Research and ApplicationsJournal of ICT Research and Applications welcomes full research articles in the area of Information and Communication Technology from the following subject areas: Information Theory, Signal Processing, Electronics, Computer Network, Telecommunication, Wireless & Mobile Computing, Internet Technology, Multimedia, Software Engineering, Computer Science, Information System and Knowledge Management.

Journal of Visual Art and Design

Journal of Visual Art and DesignJournal of Visual Art and Design welcomes full research articles in the area of Visual Art and Design from the following subject areas: Design History, Art History, Visual Culture, Design Methodology, Design Process, Design Discourse, Design and Culture, Sociology Design, Design Management, Art Critism, Anthropology of Art, Artifact Design, Industrial Design, Visual Communication Design, Photography, Interior Design, Craft, Architecture, Film, Multimedia, Creative Industry, Design Policy, and other historical, critical, cultural, psychological, educational and conceptual research in visual art and design.

Wimba : Jurnal Komunikasi Visual

Wimba : Jurnal Komunikasi VisualWimba Jurnal Komunikasi Visual (2085-0948) adalah jurnal peer-review dan akses terbuka di bidang komunikasi visual dan bertujuan untuk mempublikasi artikel akademik serta menciptakan diskusi di antara pendidik, mahasiswa, peneliti dan profesional dalam bidang desain komunikasi visual, desain grafis, desain berbasis budaya tradisi, ilustrasi, tipografi, fotografi, desain multimedia interaktif, periklanan dan kampanye sosial, branding, desain kemasan, marka grafis, desain antarmuka, bahasa rupa, animasi, desain game dan bidang lainnya yang terkait pada komunikasi visual. Jurnal ini dikelola dan diterbitkan oleh Kelompok Keahlian Komunikasi Visual dan Multimedia, FSRD ITB sejak tahun 2009 dan terbit dua kali setahun setiap Juli dan Desember.

Acta Pharmaceutica Indonesia

Acta Pharmaceutica IndonesiaActa Pharmaceutica Indonesia merupakan jurnal resmi yang dipublikasikan oleh Sekolah Farmasi Institut Teknologi Bandung. Jurnal ini mencakup seluruh aspek ilmu farmasi sebagai berikut (namun tidak terbatas pada): farmasetika, kimia farmasi, biologi farmasi, bioteknologi farmasi, serta farmakologi dan farmasi klinik.

3BIO: Journal of Biological Science, Technology and Management

3BIO: Journal of Biological Science, Technology and Management3BIO provides a venue to promote scientific discourse and foster scientific developments related to bio-sciences, bio-technology and bio-management
3BIO publishes articles discussing advances in the science, technology and management based fundamental and applied of biological science. Emphasis is placed on genetic or molecular biological positions to those covering biochemical, chemical or bioprocess engineering aspects as well as all aspects of management related to strategy, entrepreneurship, innovation, information technology, and organizations as well as all functional areas of business, such as finance, marketing, and operations, provided that in each case the material is directly relevant to biological systems.

Communication in Biomathematical Sciences

Communication in Biomathematical SciencesCommunication in Biomathematical Sciences welcomes full research articles in the area of Applications of Mathematics in biological processes and phenomena. Review papers with insightful, integrative and up-to-date progress of major topics are also welcome. Authors are invited to submit articles that have not been published previously and are not under consideration elsewhere.
The editorial board of CBMS is strongly committed to promoting recent progress and interdisciplinary research in Biomatematical Sciences.


MesinMESIN merupakan Jurnal Teknik Mesin Nasional, termasuk di dalamnya ilmu dan aplikasi Teknik Mesin, Teknik Dirgantara, Teknik Material, dan Teknik Manufaktur.
MESIN mencakup area keilmuan Teknik Mesin secara luas, meliputi namun tidak terbatas pada: Perancangan, Analisis, Operasi, Pemeliharaan, Analisis Kegagalan, Keandalan, Otomasi dan Kontrol mengenai:
  • Kendaraan (Kendaraan Jalan Raya, Kendaraan Rel, Pesawat Terbang dan Kapal Laut)
  • Bangunan Mesin
  • Sistem Termal dan Fluida
  • Sistem Konversi Energi
  • Material
  • Sistem Manufaktur

Journal of Civil Engineering

Journal of Civil EngineeringJournal of Civil Engineering is a scientific journal published periodically every three months on April, August and December.
Journal of Civil Engineering was published for the first time in 1990 with a mission as a pioneer in the scientific research publication of Civil Engineering in Indonesia.
As a national media, Journal of Civil Engineering is expected to accommodate the need for a media to disseminate information and latest publication for researchers and practitioners of Civil Engineering in Indonesia. In its development, Journal of Civil Engineering has been accredited based on the decision letter of Directorate General of Research and Development Strengthening, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia, no. : 32a/E/KPT/2017, dated 26 April 2017 as a national scientific journal since 1996 and is currently has been re-accredited on April 2017.
With this achievement, Journal of Civil Engineering has been established as a media with high quality. Until now the Journal of Civil Engineering still an process to maintain its quality scientific publishing only the latest research results in the domain of Civil Engineering.

Jurnal Sains Keolahragaan dan Kesehatan

Jurnal Sains Keolahragaan dan KesehatanJJSKK adalah jurnal yang bergerak di bidang olahraga dan kesehatan. Dengan tujuan menjadi wadah publikasi ilmiah di bidang olahraga dan kesehatan untuk para peneliti, dan menjadi pusat informasi untuk masyarakat luas di bidang olahraga dan kesehatan. Dikelola oleh Kelompok Keilmuan Olahraga, Sekolah Farmasi ITB. Terbit setahun dua kali, pada bulan Juni dan Desember.

Jurnal Otomasi Kontrol dan Instrumentasi

Jurnal Otomasi Kontrol dan InstrumentasiJurnal ini diterbitkan oleh Masyarakat Otomasi, Kontrol dan Instrumentasi untuk menyebarluaskan hasil-hasil penelitian dalam bidang otomasi, kontrol dan instrumentasi kepada masyarakat serta memberikan sarana untuk bertukar informasi bagi para peneliti, praktisi dan pengguna teknologi tersebut.

Journal of Regional and City Planning

Journal of Regional and City PlanningJournal of Regional and City Planning or JRCP is a tri-annual open access journal mainly focusing on urban and regional studies and planning in transitional, developing and emerging economies. JRCP covers topics related to the sciences, analytics, development, intervention, and design of communities, cities, and regions including their physical, spatial, technological, economic, social and political environments. The journal is committed to create a multidisciplinary forum in the field by seeking original paper submissions from planners, architects, geographers, economists, sociologists, humanists, political scientists, environmentalists, engineers and other who are interested in the past, present, and future transformation of cities and regions in transitional, developing and emerging economies.

Jurnal Sosioteknologi

Journal of Regional and City PlanningJurnal Sosioteknologi is a journal that focuses on articles that discuss results of an intersection of research fields of science, technology, arts, and humanities as well as the implications of science, technology, and arts on society. It is published three times a year in April, August, and December. Jurnal Sosioteknologi is a collection of articles that discuss research results, conceptual ideas, studies, application of theories, and book reviews. Jurnal Sosioteknologi has been accreditated by Surat Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi Nomor 60/E/KPT/2016, 13 November 2016, with grade "B". Jurnal Sosioteknologi has been indexed by Crossref, Digital Object Identifier (DOI), Google Scholar, CiteFactor, Citerseerx, OCLC Worldcat, Open Academic Journals Index (OAJI), SINTA (Science and Technology Index) (Sinta Score 2) , Base Search, Indonesian Scientific Journal Database (ISJD), neliti, and Indonesian Publication Index (IPI)/Portal Garuda. Since 2016 Jurnal Sosioteknologi has established collaboration with Ahli dan Dosen Republik Indonesia (ADRI) Jawa Barat and Himpunan Sarjana Kesusasteraan Indonesia (HISKI) Jawa Barat. Indexation by Google Scholar h-index: 9 ( Google Scholar).ISSN: 1858-3474 E-ISSN: 2443-258X