Curriculum Vitae Djoko Santoso, Rektor Baru ITB (2005 - 2010)

Oleh Krisna Murti

Editor Krisna Murti

Nama: Prof. DR. Ir. Djoko Santoso, M.Sc. Lahir: Bandung, 9 September 1953 Alamat Kantor: Rektorat Institut Teknologi Bandung Alamat : Jl. Surapati No. 1, Bandung. Telepon : 2501539 Faksimili : 2501539 Alamat Rumah: Jl. Bukit Dago Utara I/16, Bandung Telepon : 2505258 Faximili : 2505258 HP : 0811220753 e-mail : homepage: Riwayat pendidikan: • Sarjana (Teknik Geologi), Institut Teknologi Bandung, 1972-1976. Post Graduate Diploma (Seismology), International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Tokyo-Jepang, 1978-1979. • Master of Science (Geotechnical Engineering), Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok-Thailand, 1980-1982. • Doktor Ilmu Teknik, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 1996-1990. Kursus/Pelatihan: 1. Managing University in Critical Time (Certificate), British Council, Glasgow, 2001. 2. Analisis Dampak Lingkungan (Sertifikat), ITB, 1984. 3. Akta Mengajar V (Sertifikat), ITB, 1985. 4. Current Method in Seismic Exploration (Certificate), PT CPI, 1983. Jabatan: • Dosen ITB (jabatan akademik sekarang Profesor (IV/e)), 1978-sekarang. • Ketua Senat Akademik ITB, (Januari 2002-Juli 2004), Juli 2004-sekarang. • Pembantu Rektor II ITB, 1997-2001. • Ketua Program Studi Teknik Geofisika, FTM-ITB, 1989-1997. • Ketua Program Magister Geofisika Terapan, PPS-ITB,1997-2003. • Sekretaris Program Magister Geofisika Terapan, PPS-ITB, 1986-1997. • Kepala Laboratorium Eksplorasi Sumberdaya Bumi, Departemen Teknik Geofisika ITB, 2000-sekarang. • Adjunct Prof. Curtin University of Technology, Australia, (1995-2000), 2000-sekarang. • Adjunct Prof. Texas A & M University, College Station, USA 1995-2000. • Kepala Penerbit ITB, 1998. • Ketua Redaksi Jurnal Teknologi Mineral (terakreditasi), 1990-1997. • Ketua Redaksi Buletin Geologi (terakreditasi), 1979-1995. Penghargaan dan Tanda Jasa: 1. Dosen Teladan ITB-1977 2. Satya Lancana Karyasatya 10, 1997 3. Satya Lancana Karyasatya 20, 1999 4. Satya Lancana Pembangunan, 2000 (Jasa dalam pengembangan dan pelaksanaan pengelolaan Perguruan Tinggi secara desentralisasi) 5. Life Membership Himpunan Ahli Geofisika Indonesia (HAGI), 2000 6. Certificate of 5 Years Loyalty to American Association of Petroleum Geologist (AAPG), 1999 7. Certificate of 10 Years Loyalty to AAPG 2004 8. Cerificate of Recoqnition AAPG 2000, AAPG & IPA 9. Certificate of Merit AAPG 2000 10. Medali 25 Tahun ITB 2003 Pengalaman Organisasi: 1. Anggota Himpunan Ahli Geofisika Indonesia (HAGI) - (Ketua Umum perioda 1998-2000), 1976-sekarang 2. Anggota Society of Exploration Geophysicist (SEG-USA), (Active Member and Country representative for Indonesia - 1995-sekarang 3. Anggota Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia (IAGI) - 1976-sekarang 4. Anggota Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicist (ASEG), (Active Member) - 2000-sekarang 5. Anggota Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society (EEGS-USA) – 6. Anggota Southeast Asia Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) - 1982-sekarang Publikasi Ilmiah: • Fracture Mechanism in Toppling (Analysis), Bull. Geol. Dept. ITB v.19., 1989 Structure Development in Strike Slip Fault : Theoritical Approach based on Rock Failure Behavior, Bull. Geol. Dept. ITB v. 19. ,1989 • Landslide Controlled by Weathering and Geological Structure in South Cianjur, West Java Indonesia, Landslide News (Japan), v.3., June, 1989. • Gravity Anomaly Reference Datum for Exploration, Proc. National Seminar on Gravity, Bakosurtanal, 1989. Photo Geology in the Study of Volcanic History, Bull. Geol. Dept. ITB, v.17, 1989. • Slope Modeling for Toppling, Proc. Symposium of Earth Science and Society, National University of Malaysia, 1990. Gravity Method in Subsurface Exploration, Proc. Symposium of Earth Science and Society, National University of Malaysia, 1990. • Geological Hazard in the Island Arc with Special Reference to Sumatra, Java and Bali, Proc. Seminar on Geodynamics and its Product, LIPI, 1991. • Geological Evaluation of Bandung Basin by Geophysical Data in Relation to Groundwater Resources, Bull. Geol. Dept. ITB, v.23, n.1, 1992. • Zoning Method : One Technology to live with Geologic Hazard Area, Proc. US-Asia Conf. on Mitigating Natural Hazard Damage, 1992. • Status of Cikareo Type Landslide in the Varnes (1978) Classification, Bull. Geol. Dept. ITB, v.22.n.2, 1992. • Cikareo Type Landslide in the Kerek Fm. Surogodo Stream, Kab. Semarang, Proc. Of IAGI Annual Conf, 1992. The Origin of Cikareo Landslide, Chapter XIV Geomechanics and Water Engineering, Balkema-Rotterdam, 1992. • Characteristics of Neogen Sediment and Its Structure Approximation Using Gravity Data, Proc. Symposium on Neogene Event on NE Indian Ocean and SW Pacific, Geological Research and Dev. Center, 1992 • Earthquake Risk Analysis for Small Scale Earthquake Magnitude, Bull. Geol. Dept. ITB v.23.n.3. 1993. • Some Landslide Along The Nabire Epomani High Way Irian Jaya-Indonesia, Env. Manag. Geo-Water and Eng., Balkema-Rotterdam, 1993. • Landslide in the Residual Soil in Putih Doh, South Lampung, Sumatra, 11th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conf., Singapore, 1993. • Some Discussion on the Hot springs in Plato Dieng, Bull. Of Geol. Dept. ITB v.23.n.2, 1993. • Microcomputer Geotechnical Borehole Database System of the Bandung Area, West Java, Indonesia, 11th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conf., 1993, Singapore. • Possible Water Resources to the Nabire Area Irian Jaya Indonesia, Env. Manag. Geo Water and Eng., Balkema-Rotterdam, 1993. • Speculative relationship between Sumba Earthquake and Active Tectonic Stage in Sumba Fore Arc Region, Proc. HAGI Conf., 1993 • Gravity, magnetic and Geological Interpretation of Luh Ulo Melange Complex, Central Java, Jurnal Teknologi Mineral, v.1, n.1, 1994. • The Characteristics of Neogene Sediments and Structures in Siberuang Area (Central Sumatra-Indonesia) Based on Gravity Data, Proc. AAPG Int. Conf., Kualalumpur, 1994. • Geology and Geophysics of Citatah Landslide, West Java-Indonesia, Proc. GEOTROPIKA 94 Conf., Melaka, Malaysia. Estimasi Permeabilitas Batuan dengan Menggunakan Konversi Gelombang Tabung, Proc. HAGI An. Conf., 1994. • Structural Analysis of Kampar Kanan Basin Central Sumatra Based on Gravity Data, Proc. Int. Symp. On Geodynamics of Ind., LIPI, 1994. • A Microcomputer Intelligent Database for Indonesia Marine Data, Proc. AAPG Int. Conf., Kualalumpur, 1994. • Estimation of Parigi Reservoir Characteristics Using Seismic Attributes, AVO Analysis and AVO Inversion, Proc. Of SEG 65th An. Meeting, 1995. • Characterization of Reservoir using AVO, Proc. IPA Conf., 1996. • Research Fluid Identification and Elastic Modulus Determination Using AVO Analysis, J. of Applied Geophysics, v. 35, Elsevier, 1996. • The Effect of Salt Water Saturation in Rock Properties, JTM, 1996. • Synthetic Seismogram from Resistivity Log, Int. Geoph. Conf. and Exp., HAGI-SEG, 1996. • A Land Fascination and Natural Resources, Leading Edge, SEG, 1996 • The Geothermal Field in Central Part of the Sumatra Fault Zone as Derrived from Geophysical Data, Proc. World Geothermal Congress, Italy, 1996. • Estimation of Limestone reservoir Porosity by Seismic Attribute and AVO Analysis, Exploration Geophysics, v.26., 1996. • Analysis of Density Distribution Map of Gravity Data and Resistivity Study of Muaralaboh Geothermal Field, Proc. ASCOPE Conf., 1997. • Calculation of Sandstone Gas Porosity Using Hilterman (1991) Formula on AVO Anomaly, Proc. Of Geophysical Conf. and Exhibition, SEG-EAGE, Istambul, 1997. • Physical Modelling of P and S waves through a fracture zones, Proc. HAGI An. Conf., 1998. • The Effect of Thin Layer and Velocity to the Amplitude of Reflection Seismic Wave, Proc. HAGI An. Conf., 1998. • Notes on the Use of 3D Data for Developing an Onshore Oilfield Proc. ASCOPE, 1998. • Evaluating Effectiveness of 3D Seismic North West Paluh Tabuhan Field: A Case Study, SPE Int. Conf., 1999. • The Influenced of Migration to AVO Analysis, Proc. HAGI An. Conf., 1999. • Reflection Seismic Tomographic Inversion in Determination of Single Faulted Layers Proc. HAGI An. Conf., 1999. • Delineation of Reservoir Boundary Using AVO Analysis, Exploration Geophysics, . Zoning Technology (An Application for the Danger of Volcanic Activity), Jurnal Geofisika, v.1., n1., 2000. • The Change of Keutapang Sand Gas Reservoir Physical Parameters Calculated Using Surface Seismic, Proc. AAPG-HAGI-IPA, 2000. • Buku: Pengantar Teknik Geofisika, Penerbit ITB, 2000. • Genetic Algorithm Optimization Method in CSAMT Inversion, JTM, 2002. • Penentuan Orientasi Anisotropi Berdasarkan Data Azimutal Offset, Proc. HAGI An. Conf., 2003. • Penentuan Faktor Formasi (F), Faktor Sementasi (M) dan Koefisien Saturasi (A) di TPAS Sukolilo Surabaya Dengan Metoda Tahanan Jenis 2D untuk Pemetaan Daerah Kontaminasi, Proc. HAGI An. Conf., 2003. Time-lapse microgravity study for injection water monitoring of Talang Jimar Field, 7th Int. Symp. Imaging Technology, SEG of Japan, 2004. • Pemodelan Fisis Seismik Anisotropi pada Pencitraan Geometri Reservoir, Proc. HAGI An. Conf. 2004. • Kinerja Operator Dekonvolusi Gayaberat Mikro dan Hubungannya dengan Kedalaman benda Anomali, Proc. HAGI An. Conf., 2004. Mahasiswa Bimbingan: [] Program S2 (yang telah lulus sejak Juni 2001) : 1. Adi Irawan (223 98 001) 2. Bambang Indroyono (223 98 006) 3. Indro Purwaman H. (223 98 010) 4. Nurudin Mahmud (223 98 015) 5. Ronald Situmorang (223 98 016) 6. Setianingsih (223 98 019) 7. Susanti Alawiyah (223 98 021) 8. T.S. Winarso (223 98 022) 9. Yendri (223 98 024) 10. Yuli Suryanto (223 98 025) 11. Hilfan Khairy (223 99 009) 12. Mas Likiana K. (223 00 003) 13. Suhendra (223 00 012) 14. Elan Biantoro (223 00 025) 15. Asep Hendriana R. (223 00 029) 16. Alfian Usman (223 00 033) 17. Dwi Martono (223 00 035) 18. Djoni M.B. Mamuaya (223 00 037) [] Program S3 : 1. Basuki Puspoputro (322 96 011) 2. Sismanto (323 99 016) 3. Ahmad Fauzi (323 00 011) 4. Seno Pudji S. (323 00 012) 5. Hendro Laksono (323 00 013) 6. Loektamadji Arief Poerwoko (323 00 014) 7. Ari Samudro (323 01 028) 8. M. Sarkowi (323 02 001) 9. Alfian Bahar (323 02 003) 10. Supriyadi (323 03 002) 11. Eko Widianto (323 04 001) 12. Ahmad Zaenudin (323 04 002) 13. Setianingsih (323 04 003) 14. Susanti Alawiyah (323 04 004)

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