Development Studies is a multidisciplinary field of study that deals with three aspects of development: theory, strategy, and ideology. Development Studies at the School of Architecture, Planning, and Policy Development ITB focuses on understanding ideas, normative principles, and development strategies within a holistic framework that considers aspects of the economy, politics, sociocultural, technology, humanity, and sustainable environment. It endeavors to provide the state-of-the-art in the field of development studies, to achieve academic excellence, and to enhance its role in the development process of Indonesian society.

The Academic Program is designed as such to enable participants with both 'hard' and 'soft' sciences backgrounds to attend and gain benefit from it. The Program is relevant for policymakers, public administrators, business persons and bankers, politicians, engineers, NGO staff, and researchers. The Program provides an academic environment that allows students from many backgrounds to interact and exchange ideas and information with researchers from various centers at ITB. The learning system is designed to respond to development issues that exist in society. Case study materials and contextual issues are discussed, and development actors are invited as guest lecturers. Students are encouraged to investigate problems encountered in their immediate environment for further exploration through thesis work.

Development Studies at ITB
Master's Program in Development Studies of Bandung Institute of Technology provides excellent educational services (excellent) for developing cognitive, affective, and student skills so that they can play a critical, constructive role in the development discourse and a creative and innovative role in development practice.

Competence of Graduates
Master's Program in Development Studies of Bandung Institute of Technology curriculum is designed as a means to build student competencies as development analysts, namely the ability to understand the structure of development problems, understand the reciprocal relationship between economic development, social change, and technological change, identify innovation opportunities in development; developing policy intervention scenarios; and communicating development thinking to relevant stakeholders.

Career Prospects
More than 930 alumni of the programs are currently occupying prominent positions in the public and private sectors. Some graduates have gone on to undertake Doctoral programs in the fields related to development studies, such as governance studies, science & technology policy, social change, economics, and environment, within and abroad.

Academic Environment
The lecturers at the Master's Program in Development Studies of Bandung Institute of Technology are academicians of international reputation. They are experienced in government, private sector, or international development agencies' development activities. Master's Program in Development Studies provides an academic environment that allows students to interact with development stakeholders and researchers in various research and community service centers within Bandung Institute of Technology. The acquisition of National Accreditation (BAN) in two consecutive periods indicates the consistency of Bandung Institute of Technology in providing superior educational services for the benefit of students. Bandung Institute of Technology continuously develops and maintains cooperation with various development actors to ensure that it always follows state of art in the field of Development Studies, achieves academic excellence, and increases participation in the development process of the Indonesian nation-state in the field of Development Studies, achieve academic excellence, and increase participation in the development process.

Program Outline
Students of the Master's Program in Development Studies are taught to think critically, provided with analytical and modeling skills, and trained to develop strategies with a futuristic orientation. Students are exposed to development issues from many perspectives and are prepared to formulate a realistic and ethical approach. Through class discussion and thesis supervision, students are guided to synthesize multidisciplinary sciences to answer development problems encountered in their working environment.

Integration of Education and Research
In line with the policy of Bandung Institute of Technology regarding research-based universities, since 2005 Master's Program in Development Studies of Bandung Institute of Technology has attempted to integrate learning and research participatory research activities by opening up as many opportunities as possible for students to be involved in relevant research projects. Apart from this, students are also stimulated to be engaged in participatory research by collaborating with stakeholders. This effort has succeeded in increasing student publications in the form of national/international journal papers, policy papers, or articles in the mass media.

Program Participants
The Academic Program at Master's Program in Development Studies is designed to provide benefits for program participants from a broad spectrum of professional backgrounds, ranging from administrative actors or policymakers in government organizations, economic/banking actors, managers of private companies, researchers or lecturers from research institutes/ universities, consultants, mass media actors, or NGOs.

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