IInstitut Teknologi Bandung is the first technical university in Indonesia that was established on March 2, 1959 in West Java, with a mission to serve science and technology to develop the nation. Born in an atmosphere full of dynamics based on the spirit of the struggle for the Proclamation of Independence, ITB is here to optimize the development of an advanced and dignified nation.


SDGs in Institut Teknologi Bandung

Facts and Figures


  • THE World Rankings 20231201-1500
  • THE Asia Rankings 2022301-350
  • QS World Rankings 2023#235
  • QS Asian Rankings 2023#63
  • Engineering and Technology#179
  • Natural Sciences#372
  • Social Sciences & Management#238
  • Others

Teaching and Learning





Prof. Dr. Ir. Tatacipta Dirgantara, M.T.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Tatacipta Dirgantara, M.T., has been appointed as the Rector of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) for the 2025–2030 period, succeeding Prof. Reini Wirahadikusumah, Ph.D., who served as Rector for the 2020–2025 period.

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Visiting ITB

Ganesha Campus

Ganesha Campus is ITB’s main campus located in Jalan Ganesa No. 10, Bandung, West Jawa, Indonesia. The 100 year-old campus has 28 hectars of campus area and keeps growing.

Jatinangor Campus

To support academic and non-academic activities, ITB spreads its campus by building Jatinangor Campus. The campus is located in Jatinangor, Sumedang, West Java. Currently there are 12 programs held in Jatinangor Campus.

Cirebon Campus

Institut Teknologi Bandung has committed to develop multicampus, one of which is the ITB campus in Cirebon. This is a form of enhancing the role of ITB in developing future research and contributing to the development of quality human resources on a regional and national scale. A land area of 30 hectares has been prepared for the construction of the ITB Campus in Cirebon, which is located in Arjawinangun District, Cirebon Regency.

Bosscha Observatorium

Bosscha Observatory is a research institution under the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of ITB. Bosscha Observatory is the oldest observatory in Indonesia. Together with the Astronomy Program, the Bosscha Observatory is the center for research, education and development of Astronomy in Indonesia.

Zoology Museum

Zoology Museum of School of Life Sciences and Technology stores about 15 thousand samples of animals and body parts of animals. The collected animals include animals that were once easy to find in our environment as well as some rare animals. This museum was also built to support lectures.

Sabuga Science Center

Sabuga Science Center is located on the 4th floor of Sasana Budaya Ganesha building. Pusat Iptek Sabuga is a science gallery which has a Dome Theatre that shows interesting movies, Kids Smart area that has many computers to teach children technologies, and a Science Gallery that has collection of science props such as bicycle gyro, momentum chair, etc.