Chairul Tanjung Shared His Experience at Entrepreneurship Studium Generale Public Lecture ITB

Oleh Ahmad Fadil

Editor Ahmad Fadil

BANDUNG, – Toward 100 years of Indonesian Engineering Higher Education (PTTI), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) conduct a series of activities such as international conference, workshops, exhibition of works and innovations, and other activities such as public lectures and Studium Generale. These bring ITB to be the pioneer of Engineering Higher Education in Indonesia that envision Entrepreneurial University. One of the activity was a Studium Generale public lecture which carried “Entrepreneurship” as the theme and was conducted on Saturday (21/04/18).

Taking place at Aula Timur ITB, this SG was delivered by Chairul Tanjung, a well-known businessman in Indonesia. Chairul Tanjung, usually called CT, used to serve as The Coordinating Minister for Economics of Indonesia, ad interim Minister of Forestry and Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources under former president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

The theme “Entrepreneurship” is in line with the vision of ITB that shifts from Research University to Entrepreneurial University. This shifts is perceived as a good start by Chairul Tanjung, because research and technology will not be developed without Entrepreneurial skill. “ITB advanced first. Entrepreneur becomes a main part besides research and knowledge,” he said.

The Studium Generale opened with a remark from Rector of ITB, Prof. Kadarsah Suryadi who warmly welcomed Chairul Tanjung to ITB. Prof. Kadarsah Suryadi expressed his sincere thanks to Chairul Tanjung who took his time to visit and share his knowledge and experience to ITB students. He also hoped the public lecture could support ITB’s vision in producing Entrepreneur graduates that contribute to the nation and people.

At the beginning of the lecture, a short film was played about Chairul’s profile and past strive, and how he changed his family’s economic condition. Talking about his past, he mentioned about the different between the past and the present. “Ladies and gentlemen, about forty years ago in 1981 in Universitas Indonesia, I’m the one and only businessman in the university. A businessman that time did not have rivals, because that time, being a businessman or entrepreneur was not a profession to be proud of.” He then compared past situation with today’s situation. “Today, entrepreneurship has developed rapidly”.

He explained that today, economic activities is currently dominated by “Generation X”, a group of generation aged 25-45 years old. But it is predicted that 10 to 20 years ahead, economy will be dominated by millennials, a generation that grow up when technology develops rapidly and information could be accessed easily. Millennials tend to be more consumptive and thus has to be balanced with the growth of entrepreneur. Development of technology that leads to works mechanization will replace thousands of human workers with machines, hence the need for people with capability to create thousands of works through entrepreneurship.

Creating Entrepreneur

According to CT, entrepreneur could both be born and be created. He told a story about how he ‘was created’ to be an entrepreneur because he felt responsible for his family’s economic condition. He also added that being an entrepreneur is about how an individual see available opportunity.

“Everyone can be an entrepreneur. But how? One, read the opportunity, when there is an opportunity, see it, read it, catch it, that’s the basic of entrepreneurship,” he then added, “if there is no opportunity, make one”. Chairul Tanjung then affirmed that a business do not need to be based on interest or educational background, exemplifying himself who came from dentistry background.

“Everyone has the right to be an entrepreneur, and everyone has the chance to be successful as an entrepreneur,” he said. He added that everyone can start doing a business without money. “Money is not the main capital of becoming an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship only needs three things, financial, social network, and good human resources. Entrepreneurs also have to be accustomed to rise and fall. So it’s not true if an entrepreneur has to have money capital”.

He continued, “An entrepreneur should be a lovable person. If not, that person won’t be a true entrepreneur. How can an unlovable person sell? If you want to be an entrepreneur, be a good one. Second, if you are educated, that’s good, because it (entrepreneurship) needs knowledge, it needs a way of thinking, but not a lot. Intelligence is important, even though you are not educated, you have to be smart, because if you are not, you cannot be an entrepreneur. And experience, experience is a teacher, the best one. All of these are accumulated to be capital,” he said.

At the end of his lecture, Chairul Tanjung explained what he calls “CT Ways”, the way he passed through to become a successful entrepreneur. “Begin the business with good intention. Read and catch the opportunity. Money is not the main capital. Buy the future with present value, make failures your best friend, work hard and never give up, intuition is rational, make decision, create solution not problem, being pragmatic and being idealistic are not oil and water, and finally, seek the blessing of the God,” he ended.

Some things that he emphasized are to “buy future with present value” or seeing future needs that can be developed today, and to keep on working hard to get more results. Finally, he advised for students to begin business from good intention.

Reporter: Shafire Erdia Anjani (TPB FSRD 2017)

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