
The Passing of Prof. Asep Gana Suganda
BANDUNG, – ITB mourns for the passing of Prof. Dr. apt. Asep Gana Suganda at 19.00 WIB, Tuesday (7/6/2022). To honor his deeds, a funeral procession was held at the West Hall on June 8. ...
June 08, 2022
Prof. Srihadi, a Renowned Painter and ITB's Symbol Designer, Passed Away
BANDUNG, – Institut Teknologi Bandung has just lost one of its professors. He is Prof. Kanjeng Raden Haryo Tumenggung H. Srihadi Sudarsono Adhikoesoemo, MA., a retired professor from the Faculty of Fine Art and Design, who passed on Saturday (26/2/2022) at 05.20 UTC+7 in Bandung. ...
February 26, 2022
ITB’s Electrical Power Engineering Professor Prof. Pekik Argo Dahono Passed Away
BANDUNG, – Institut Teknologi Bandung had lost another one of its great scholars. Prof. Dr. Ir. Pekik Argo Dahono from the School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics had passed away at Batam on Friday (21/01/2022). ...
January 24, 2022
ITB Grieves, Professor of Building Physics Prof. Soegijanto Passed Away
BANDUNG, Institut Teknologi Bandung Professor Emeritus Prof. Dr. Ir. R.M. Soegijanto, M.Sc., from the Building Physics Research Group, Faculty of Industrial Technology (FIT) ITB passed away on Thursday (2/12/2021) at around 09.15 WIB at Borromeus Hospital, Bandung. In honor of Prof. Soegijanto's departure, ITB held a funeral in the...
December 02, 2021
Professor of Transportation Engineering ITB Prof. Ofyar Z. Tamin Passed Away
BANDUNG, big family of the Institut Teknologi Bandung mourned the passing of Prof. Dr. Ir. Ofyar Z. Tamin, M.Sc., on Wednesday (9/6/2021). He was a Professor at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering ITB from the Transportation Engineering Research Group. ...
June 09, 2021
Prof. Wiranto Arismunandar, Rector of ITB for 1988-1997 Period, Passed Away
BANDUNG, - ITB expressed deep condolences over the passing of one of the best sons of ITB, Prof. Ir. Wiranto Arismunandar, UMKM., who was the rector of ITB for the 1988-1997 period. He passed away on Wednesday, May 19 2021. The sad news was received at around 13.14 WIB. He was laid in state at his own house in Bukit Dago Utara 1 No. 6,...
May 19, 2021
ITB Mourned the Passing of Prof. Filino Harahap, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, FTMD
BANDUNG, — Institut Teknologi Bandung extended family mourned the passing of Prof. Dr. Ir. Filino Harahap, on Thursday, 15 October 2020. The deceased is a Professor in Mechanical Engineering at the Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (FTMD) ITB. ...
October 15, 2020