Effective Presentation Strategy: Keep It Simple!

Oleh Mandeep Kaur Gill

Editor Mandeep Kaur Gill

Bandung, itb.ac.id- The art of presentation is the art of grabbing the audience’s attention and then maintain it. Getting their attention is heavily factorized on first impressions. Video clips, pick-ups, photographs and individual acts are several presentation are among several presentation introductions that are effective. That is what Arry Akhmad Arman, ITB Lecturer said in the presentation and public speaking technique training in SBM Auditorium on Wednesday (14/5). According to Arry, the presentation material has be to arranged in the simplest way. Presentation slides should only have keywords, not a copy and pasting of the source. A presenter should not have the intention of presenting a large amount of information to the audience without being able to sort through the material first. Too much information could confuse listeners and eventually lose focus and bored. A presenter should also read the situation and identify who their listeners are. A meeting presentation with usually less than 15 people, the presenter should be prepared for midway questions. If it were a classroom presentation with relatively heterogenic participants, the presenter should be diligent to walk around to keep the participants aware. The point is that a good presenter is one who is influenced by the time that flies fast and experience. Presenters must really know their material before presenting”, Arry said in the end.

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