Eko Prasetyo: Free Education in ITB is a Dream!
By Mandeep Kaur Gill
Editor Mandeep Kaur Gill

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id- education is an essential part of every developing nation. It is a shame that Republic of Indonesia’s government failed to provide good education for the people. That was the point stated by Education Observer, Eko Prasetyo in a discussion titled ”Free Education, Myth or Reality?” in Room 29, West Campus Center on Thursday (8/5).
Eko’s evaluation is that the Republic of Indonesia’s government has failed to fulfill order UUD 1945 or the laws of the national education system stating the country’s obligation to give education and teaching to the people. Eko portrayed the government’s failure by referring to the expenses paid for education in the country as well as education in tertiary education.
Related to the topic, Eko admitted talking about free education is like a dream. ”Entering ITB is difficult, payments are high and graduating is also difficult,” he said. Eko loudly mentioned certain issues that according to him are anomalies in the Indonesian education. He made the weight of subjects and methods taught by educators in Indonesia are too diverse. As a result, many supporting material emerge. ”They call it support material, but it is a question solving training material”, Eko said.
In the discussion, one of the participants said that the free education concept is not correct. He argued that not all educators in Indonesia are qualified for subsidies. ITB alumni stated that with the expensive education condition like now, many ITB students still skip classes. ”What if it were free?” he asked.