ITB Conferred Honorary Doctor Degree to Nurhayati Subakat

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) conferred Honorary Doctor Degree (Honoris Causa) to Dra. Nurhayati Subakat, Apt., during the Second Graduation Ceremony of ITB Academic Year 2018/2019 at Sasana Budaya Ganesha on Friday (5/4/2019). Nurhayati, the CEO of PT. Paragon Technology and Innovation is the first woman to receive the degree from ITB.

The degree was conferred as an appreciation an accolade to people who give prominent contribution in science, technology, and art that give significant impact to development of culture and humanity.

Head of Promoters, Prof. Yeyet Cahyati Soemirtapura explained there are several considerations that underlie the conferment of the degree. Most importantly it is the innovation that she created. “According to the review, Nurhayati fits and qualifies for the HC Doctor Degree,” said Prof. Yeyet on a press conference.

He explained that the prominent innovation is visible from cosmetic products of Wardah. Everything is monitored and has to be halal since formula development, including the utensils, ingredients, and the process. “For the product, Wardah also uses traditional ingredients,” he said.

Rector of ITB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Kadarsah Suryadi, DEA said, the conferment of HC Doctor Degree has gone through a long process, from proposal of candidates delivered to rector. “Rector has an observation team that works and analyses, and then reads and studies the data about the candidates in the form of CVs or their works. Then after the team finishes the task, they report it to rector, and forwarded it to academic senates. In the senates, a promoter team is formed. The team executes the work and then reports the result back on senates meeting. If approved, it is ruling and the result will be given to the rector,” he said.

The rector said that the degree is an accolade and appreciation to public figures who give positive contribution to community or the people and Indonesia, “This Honoris Causa Doctor Degree hopefully will encourage more people to make works and give benefit to many people,” he said.

For Nurhayati, the degree she received is not an individual achievement, but a teamwork that results in innovation product. She underlined that the degree is an appreciation towards local products that compete with multinational products.

“This is also an inspiration, that if we work hard and serious, make innovation and employ youth, the result is incredible. This is a proof that the works of the youth are competitive,” she said.

In 1985, Nurhayati Subakat established a shampoo home industry at her house that employed only an employee that time. With her knowledge in pharmaceutical she obtained from her Undergraduate Program in Pharmacy and Apothecary Professional Program at ITB in 1971-1975, and her experience as QC Manager in Wella Cosmetics (1975-1985), Nurhayati began to develop the production formulation, until today it competes in the market.

She always considers quality dimensions and parameter in creating her products formula. It includes the organoleptic, safety, and efficacy, as well as halal quality parameters.

Her cosmetics kept growing even though her home industry facility was burned in 1990. Her tenacity and commitment in 4P (Product, Price, Place, and Promotion) and with the help of God, PT Pusaka Tradisi Ibu (PTI) until 2011 was modernized and change its name into PT Paragon Technology and Innovation.

Appreciation to her achievement comes from many, including from abroad. Until today, no less than 12 national and international awards have been received by her.

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