ITB Held a Ceremony in Commemoration of 90th year of Youth Pledge

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – Institut Teknologi Bandung held a ceremony that commemorates 90th year of Youth Pledge on the yard of ITB Rector Building, Jalan Tamansari no 64 Bandung, on Monday morning (29/10/2018). The ceremony was participated by ITB lecturers and staffs.

It begins with raising the flag of Indonesia by three officials, followed by reading of Pancasila, UUD 1945, and the Pledge.

The ceremony was led by Vice Rector of Academic and Student Affairs of ITB, Prof. Bermawi Priyatna Iskandar. On that occasion, he delivered a commemoration speech from Minister of Youth and Sports, Imam Nahrawi.

Bermawi conveyed that this 90th Commemoration of Youth Pledge carried the theme “Raising the Youth, Unifying Indonesia”. The theme shows the importance of youth development in order to produce religious, virtuous, healthy, smart, innovative, independent, democratic, responsible, and competitive youth equipped with leadership, entrepreneurship, pioneering, and nationalism according to Pancasila and UUD 1945 within the framework of NKRI.

The rapid growth of information technology is a double-edged sword. On one edge, it guarantees rapid information that enables youth to enhance their knowledge capacity for the development of resources and competitiveness. On another edge, however, the development can produce negative effect. Destructive information such as hoaxes, hate speeches, pornography, narcotics, promiscuity as well as radicalism and terrorism can penetrate easily if the youth cannot filter the knowledge and are not matured in nationalism.

If the youth of the past could get rid of tribal, religious, racial, and cultural prejudice and build unity, then it is the duty of today’s youth to break the boundary to world’s modernization, in order to ensure better future of the world.

“Indonesian youth, the world is waiting for you, strive, create ideas, spirit, and dreams. Your sacrifice will never go in vain in changing the world,” said Bermawi.

The ceremony also saw appreciation awards to student associations and units that keep the commitment of clean environment. The awards were presented by Directorate of Facilities, in cooperation with Student Affair Unit and K3L Unit.

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