ITB Students Become First Deputy Indonesia at CERN
By Hafshah Najma Ashrawi
Editor Hafshah Najma Ashrawi

Nathaniel Chandra Harjanto (Engineering Physics 2010) has a dream to be able to work in a world renowned research center, Centre Europeen pour la recherchée Nucléaire (CERN). CERN Particle Physics is a research center, famous for having the most advanced particle accelerators and advanced the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).Contribution and the fruit of the CERN research is very influential in the development of science, especially in the area of origin of the universe. Some inventions such as the discovery of the Higgs boson particle is an elementary particle constituent particles in the whole world, as well as several other studies such as Super Symmetry and Quark-gluon Plasma really opened the eyes of the world on the phenomena of the universe.
Nathan is very interested in the theory and research of CERN and parallel universe of space-time phenomena such as teleportation and time machine. Starting from the academic group posting in Engineering Physics Student Association (HMFT), Nathan heard the opportunity to follow the CERN Summer Studentship Program (CSSP). April 2013, Suharyo Sumowidagdo, the only Indonesian researcher at CERN contact Nathan to deliver the good news. Nathan informed to proceed to the final selection process that is facing the Board Professors at CERN.Finally in March 2013 Nathan and 2 other students, Muhammad Firman Kasim (Electrical Engineering 2009) and Imre Nagi (Electrical Engineering 2010) was selected to represent Indonesia in the CSSP program.
This is the first time Indonesia participated in the program, it makes all three of them as the first Indonesian representative at CERN. According to Admiral Tri Handoko from LIPI, third reception CSSP students in the program has a positive effect on cooperation between Indonesia and CERN. Indonesia, represented by the Ministry of Research and Technology, Department of Higher Education, as well as the cooperation LIPI will start by the end of 2013. Therefore, the performance of the work of Nathan and friends to be very calculated.
Work experience at CERNEach summer students will be placed into one of the experiments at the CERN research. ATLAS, CMS, LHCb, and ALICE is some research that is being worked on and are four major particle detectors in the LHC circle that extended as far as 27 km from Switzerland to France. Nathan placed on research ATLAS particle detector, which is the largest in the world. Project that he is working in the field of Outreach is to make simulation applications and facilities LHC particle detectors for iPhone and Android that are mixed in the form of games.
Nathan said the passion and dedication in the work is the thing that has always reflected the researchers at CERN. "They worked very efficiently, but still did not forget the rest time as part of performance optimization," said Nathan. CERN workers and researchers also paid great attention to the environment, it is implied by using air conditioning in all rooms except the library and computer room. In addition, most workers and researchers at CERN using the bike as a primary mode of transportation.Nathan and friends every day to travel as far as 3 miles by bicycle to reach locations.
Spirit and struggle Nathan and friends to always explore the potential and gain knowledge even extended outside the country deserves to be emulated. "As the principle of CERN, learning and the search for answers to the universe is an endless process. Growing number of our knowledge, it is the more questions arise. Questions that will encourage us to continue to progress and develop in life," said Nathan closed the interview with Kantor Berita ITB.