ITB’s Chair of Board of Trustees Yani Panigoro: Collaboration is Important for ITB’s Progress
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – Members of ITB’s Board of Trustees (MWA) have conducted Plenary Assembly of MWA-ITB 2019-2024 at Building D, Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) in Jakarta on Monday (20/5/2019). On the assembly, Yani Panigoro was elected as the Chair of MWA-ITB for the next five years.
“So we will conduct collaboration routinely with all parties, especially alumni because their numbers are great. So if we want to think about the future 100 years of ITB, all parties should contribute,” she said after the plenary assembly.
She specified several targets. The first target is to enter top 100 university in the world. In order to achieve that target, mutual actions should be mapped. The second is other funding sources. ITB cannot rely solely on government’s funding, but also cooperation with other parties especially on research.
The third target is bigger campus areas. Bigger areas, Yani said, will accommodate not only the campus but also the supporting facilities. “For example in Walini, the number of students and lecturers would be greater. There would be dormitory for students’ convenience. Researchers will also feel the convenience because there would be research centers. ITB is a higher education that engages in sciences, technology, art, and management. Walini campus can have those facilities developed,” said this alumnus of Electrical Engineering of ITB class of 1975.
She also added that ITB Walini campus will give positive impact to surrounding environment. Additionally, ITB can build research centers on science, technology, art, sport, and any other fields. On the other hand, she also thinks ITB should stay in character. “ITB academicians are well-known for their rationality. They are always creative and curious, and speak based on data. So I hope this character will always be developed, our students be full of achievements, and our lecturers be full of competencies. All of these are achievable if we have the fund. But I think areas is our priority,” she concluded.
The plenary assembly also saw Prof. Dr. Dr(HC) Ir. Djoko Santoso, M.Sc. elected as the Vice Chair of MWA-ITB. The plenary assembly was attended by 15 members of MWA, consisting 4 ex-officio namely the Menristekdikti, the representative of Governor of West Java Ir. Eddy Iskandar Muda Nasution, Dipl.SE.,MT., Chair of ITB’s Academic Senate, and Rector of ITB.
From the community, there were four representatives, namely Prof. Dr. KH. Muhammad Sirajuddin Syamsuddin, Dr. (HC) Dra Nurhayati Subakat, Apt., Ir. Yani Panigoro, and Achmad Zaky, ST.
From Academic Senate, there were four representatives, namely Prof. Dr. Dr(HC) Ir. Djoko Santoso, M.Sc., IPU., AER., Prof. Dr(HC) Akhmaloka, Ph.d., Prof. Dr. Ing. Ir. Benhard Sitohang, and Dr. Agus Dana Permana. From MWA-Alumni Representative there was Ir. Irfan Setiaputra, from MWA-Education Personnel Representatives Nana Heryana, ST., IPM., AER., and member of MWA-Student Representative Faisal Alfiansyah Mahardhika.