Mathematical Challenge Festival V: Mathematics for All
By UKM Student English Forum
Editor UKM Student English Forum

A sequence of Mathematical Challenge Festival (MCF) V events has been successfully held by Mathematics Students COuncil (HIMATIKA) ITB on Monday and Tuesday (1-2/11/10). Themed "Mathematics for All". this biannual event established since 2002 has shown that mathematics is applicable in daily life.
On Monda (01/11/10), a Saman dance performance from Aceh opened the ceremony. The event was officially opened by the Dean of Natural Sciences Faculty (FMIPA) of ITB, Dr. Pudji Astuti; the Head of Mathematics Major of ITB Dr. Janson Naiborhu, and the Chairman of MCF V committee Anggamukti Budi (Mathematics '07).
The event was followed by education seminar themed "Teaching for Learning Mathematics" at IPTEKS Auditorium East Campus Center ITB. This seminar intended to pump up the spirit of teaching from mathematic teachers so that the students can comprehend the materials better. The speakers were education practitioner Dr. Wono Setya Budhi (ITB Mathematics lecturer) and Dr. Lucia Retno Mursitolaksmi, M. Si. M. Sp. Ed. (Education Psychology lecturer of UI).
Separated by 2 hours break, "LATEX" software workshop was held in Mathematic Computation Laboratorium of ITB. The participants were taught how to use Latex. This software helps expressing mathematics equations in school homework or final assignments, and also teachers delivering school materials and exams.
Beside that, there's also "Math Expo" exhibiting ITB Math students' masterpiece in modelling, includng rubiks, tangram, pentomino, "wahana ular tangga", mathematic model tools, and Techno Presenter Competition for ITB students councils. Located in basketball field West Campus Center ITB, this exhibitions were opened for two days for public.
Not half-heartedly, MCF V which purported to introduce mathematics all over Indonesia held a mathematic competition for high schools nationwide. This competition participated by 14 provinces has conducted regional selection since May. The central selection was held on Monday and Tuesday (1-2/11/10)