Rector of ITB: ITB Transformation Program as a Continuation Effort in Strengthening ITB’s PTN-BH Autonomy

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – Since early 2020, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) has begun its transformation program which was based on the Master Plan Development (RENIP) ITB 2020-2025. The program awarded ITB with the PTN-BH (State-Owned University with Legal Entity) status, which is consequently making ITB responsible to follow the principles of good university governance and strengthening the synergies of its centers of excellence.

This was mentioned by the Rector of ITB Prof. Reini Wirahadikusumah, Ph.D., during the ITB Open Session for the Second Graduation Ceremony of the Academic Year 2021/2022 on Saturday (23/4/2022). Prof. Reini's complete speech raised a topic of the ITB 2020-2025 transformation program as the realization of autonomy strengthening efforts that came from the PTN-BH status.

Prof. Reini said that based on the good university governance principles ITB is required to carry out the mandate of LawGovernment Regulations No. 12/2021, which stated that a university with PTN-BH status is required to produce qualified graduates, in reach being affordable for all economic classes, as well as being accountable and transparent," she explained.

The ITB 2020-2025 Transformation program itself focused on several aspects, such as institutional transformation to improve its agility, responsiveness, and sustainability; human resource transformation to produce professional and productive human capital; Education 4.0 system transformation to improve and extend the educational services; strengthening the scientific culture excellency as the foundation of all Tridharma ITB programs; and the strengthening of downstream research in the fields of natural science, technology, and social science/humanities.

Prof. Reini stated that ITB since early 2001 has taken several steps to prepare itself as an autonomous university, that is a university that is awarded special authorization by the State as a PTN-BH in accordance with Law Government Regulations No. 12/2014.

"From one period to another, former ITB leaders have constantly strived to develop and strengthen the institution in various fields of Tridharma, in order to strengthen the autonomy of ITB PTN-BH," she said.

Therefore, the ITB 2020-2025 transformation program that is being carried out is the continuation of previous transformation programs that aims to strengthen ITB's autonomy as a PTN-BH.

The transformation program and its subsequent efforts have achieved many things such as increasing downstream research output in the forms of startup funding and patent registration, increasing publications in reputable journals, improving the extent of technology-based community development programs, expanding the international cooperation, and partaking in the education access equalization program through the expansion of new campuses.

Prof. Reini also stated her appreciation for the graduates who have successfully completed their education amid the pandemic. "Academic achievements that you have achieved are certainly the result of your hard work, your patience and fortitude, as well as the moral support and prayer from the families and relatives," she said.

As a closing remark, Prof. Reini stated that she believed ITB academic community will always be the pioneer to face new changes. Her message for the graduates is so that they will fill their lives with lifelong learning and to always think out of the box with good manners, to finally give meaningful contributions to the people and the nation of Indonesia.

"Your achievements are ITB's achievements, ITB's achievements are your achievements," said the Rector.

Reporter: Azita Nadiya Noorazline (School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 2021).
Translator: Favian Aldilla Rachmadi (Civil Engineering, 2019)

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