Rindia Putri Fall in Love with Research

Oleh Neli Syahida

Editor Neli Syahida

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - Institut Teknologi Bandung as a trusted institution of education to produce the best Indonesian youth generation has proved its quality again. Rindia Maharani Putri, one of the best ITB students has got many achievements in both national or international. Recently, she got an award in PhD Award 2013 by University of Twente.

Rindia Maharani Putri is alumni of Chemistry ITB 2007. She had got many achievements since she was in the first year. In 2010, Rindia was awarded as the best student in Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and also got the best GPA in Chemistry. In the same year, she also got an award from PT. HM Sampoerna Tbk and awarded as Sampoerna Best Student. Her intelligence also proved by her attendance on National Mathematics & Natural Science Olympiad up to regional level.

When studied in ITB, Rindia also took a part in ITB Chemistry Student's Association (HMK AMISCA). She involved in making chemistry book, titled "Chemistry in Our Everyday Life" and "Food, Drugs, and Cosmetics" published by HMK AMISCA. Rindia also has ever been Chief of Profession and Academic Division in 2010. She was not only interested in academics, but also in community development. In the same year, she was finalist in society dedication competition in national level which is held by ITB Student's Association.

All of her achievements are never be independent from her parents' support. For her, parents are role model and motivator to get higher achievement. Except that, Selain itu, environment factor and social life, especially friends, also help Rindia to be here now. "Alhamdulillah, until this point of my life, many great people whom I met. I think it's important to always be grateful for our potition and condition, then appreciate chances that we get and never waste them," Rinda said.

Passion for Education adan Research

Since she was on Senior High School, she has had interest in chemistry, especially in research. "I think research in chemistri is potentiallya developed in many topics. It also enable to be applied in wider community," Rindia said. In this interview, Rindia said that she wanted to be a lecturer and reasearcher. She interested in researching which can be applied for long term. Her curiosity in research has led them to join Indofood Riset Nugraha's program (IRN). This program which is held by PT Indofood Bogasari TBK give funds to research about products and natural sciences.

After she finished from undergraduate program in ITB, Rindia got double-degree scholarship in ITB and University of Twente, where she got PhD Award 2013. Now, she is researching about protein cage which is able to be used as carrier and nanometer sized-manufacturer. She planned it will be finish 4 following years. Their application can be directed depend on what molecule is put in the cage. She hoped in future, many enzymes with suitable size can be encapsulated in the cage and developed in other applications. She hoped one day she will back home to Indonesia and work there. "I hope I can be a lecturer who develop research in Indonesia and I hope it will give benefits not only for Science Society, but also wider society," she said.

Friendly, Melancholy, and Persistent
That's what she said when she talked about her personality. It's not like people think about her, she is not a solemn person at all in daily life. Except that, she also said that she is sometimes melancholy and easy-going  in facing life. In contraty, her persistent is looked from her effort to get what she pursue. Achievements that she got is a proof for her persistent. She also proved that to get achievements in academics, not only aboout study hard, but also active in organization.

Rindia told to ITB's students, although every people will pass different phase, but we have to endeavor and pray alwas. "Never wasting chances. Learn from great people.And, love what you do and cherish the friends you'll meet on your journey," Rindia ended.

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