The Importance of Public Communication in Improving ITB's Reputation
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, - Building an organization's public reputation is not simply done by the management itself; it requires good coordination and communication by every party. Hence, ITB conducted a training session that discussed the significance of marketing and communication on Friday (1/7/2022).
This training invited the Director of Communication and Alumni of ITB SBM Dr. Nurlaela Arief, MBA. MIPR, Business Development Manager of the ITB SBM Jakarta Campus Gita Fajar Petala Mega, M.Kom, and Marketing Communication and Reception Manager of SBM ITB Margareth Tobing, MBA.
The session began with an opening speech by the Rector of ITB, Prof. Reini Wirahadikusumah, Ph.D. Although the mandated laws have been properly conducted, she believed that ITB still needs improvement in its communication to various communities for the sake of its reputation as a qualified, accountable, affordable, and successful institution.
"We must be able to convince everyone that all performances in ITB are guaranteed as solutions to issues happening in our country. This commitment must be constantly communicated to the public and be recognized by stakeholders. Thus, I hope we can all work together to fulfill all of these.”
Dr. Nurlaela started defining the importance of marketing and communication, emphasizing that reputation is a fragile thing that can be instantly destroyed upon years of growth. In certain cases, it can be gradually restored through hard work. Others have worse luck; their images did not return to their former glory.
"Given how fragile and sensitive the nature of reputation, we need to be aware that we are all image bearers of ITB. This responsibility is not only shouldered by those in the management boards but also by everyone involved,” she added.
To carry out the existing mandates, Gita shared her experiences in creating and maximizing ITB SBM’s public agenda that is targeted effectively to the public.
"ITB SBM continues to optimize the broadcast of activities and information, ranging from direct approaches via mall outlets, company visits, classes with guest lecturers, meetings, publicizing communities and their achievements, to organizing international seminars and info-sessions."
Margareth, who talked about the equipment used to produce high-quality content and results for ITB SBM, added that the faculty itself uses every channel they own to reach the public, such as its official website, social media, paid advertisement, chatbots, and more.
"We also utilize software and big data analysis comprehensively so that the created contents can close the gap and build meaningful relationships between institutions and communities," Margareth concluded.
Reporter: SBM Release
Translator: Ruth Nathania (Environmental Engineering, 2019)