10th Annual GPS-Wireless Conference 2006
Oleh Krisna Murti
Editor Krisna Murti

GPS-Wireless 2006 akan diselenggarakan pada tanggal 2-3 Maret 2006. Konferensi pasar informasi bergerak tingkat internasional yang akan diselenggarakan di San Francisco Airport Marriott Hotel ini akan menyatukan eksekutif tingkat atas untuk berdiskusi mengenai pentingnya telematika, nirkabel, manajemen armada dan aset, dan pasar. Pemimpin industri telekomunikasi ini akan menilai pasar konsumen dan bisnis-bisnis. GPS-Wireless 2006 akan mendatangkan lebih dari 40 pembicara dari perusahaan-perusahaan telekomunikasi dan telematika terkemuka.
Informasi lebih lanjut serta informasi mengenai registrasi dapat diperoleh dari
info@gps-wireless.com atau dengan mengunjungi http://www.gps-wireless.com/bl.htm.
Beberapa topik yang akan diangkat selama GPS-Wireless 2006, antara lain:
* When will carriers introduce LBS? What's holding it up?
* Asset monitoring that includes heavy equipment, containers, high-value goods. Will this market take off? When? What companies will dominate? What technologies will dominate, i.e. RFID, A-GPS?
* What LBS applications will dominate? Sprint-Nextel's biggest app is navigation. Will this hold true in the consumer market? How will cell phone navigation system acceptance compare to portable and installed navigation systems? What other LBS apps will consumers want? Child tracking? Games? Location-based traffic?
* Field Force Automation and Logistics/Transportation application providers are jumping on the LBS bandwagon and beginning to integrate mobile worker location into their apps -from cell phones, Blackberrys and other devices. We think this market will grow fast, since some of these are large companies with a lot of enterprise customers. ·
* Will carriers release location data to resellers?
* What's new with Portable Navigation Systems' markets? New players are coming on strong. The PNS market is hot--but are the units still too expensive? Can anybody put a dent in the current leader's market share? Will the units ever have wireless connectivity? Will other features become available such as satellite radio, traffic information and more content?
* Is there a future for aftermarket telematics systems? One company dominates--will others follow?
* What about factory-installed telematics? Will it be dominated by the same companies?
* Fleet AVL: How will trends, new players, new communications links (GPRS, etc.) change the market? What is the availability of the GPS-enabled phone vs. installed devices? How is the GPS-enabled phone growing the market?
* Will trailer monitoring be a big market?
* Location-based advertising: Will it happen?