International Workshop on the Restoration Program from Giant Earthquakes and Tsunamis
Oleh Krisna Murti
Editor Krisna Murti

Special Coordination Funds for Promoting Science and Technology, Jepang akan menyelenggarakan lokakarya internasional bertajuk Restoration Program from Giant Earthquakes and Tsunamis. Lokakarya akan diselenggarakan pada 14-15 December 2005 di Zenkyoren Bldg., 2-7-9 Hirakawa-cho, Chiyoda, Tokyo.
Lokakarya ini merupakan pertemuan tahunan dari proyek tiga tahun "Restoration Program from Giant Earthquakes and Tsunamis". Dalam lokakarya akan dibicarakan aspek ilmiah gempa bumi dan tsunami Lautan Hinda akhir tahun 2004 lalu, utamanya untuk membangun strategi terintegrasi untuk membangun kota tahan-tsunami-dan-gempa bumi di sekitar Lautan Hindia.
Sessions (provisional)
# Mechanism and future probability of the 2004 Giant Earthquake and Tsunami in Indian Ocean
# Human resource program for the education and outreach
# Effective tsunami warning system
# Restoration program and urban design
Program (pdf; 34kb) and Abstracts (pdf; 2.5Mb) are now available.Abstracts include those both for the workshop and for the symposium shown below.
This workshop is a part of Memorial Conference on the 2004 Giant Earthquake and Tsunami in the Indian Ocean that consists of two meetings; this workshop and the symposium below;
The International Symposium on Proposals toward International Collaboration for Disaster Reduction
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