Memorandum of Agreement between The University of Iowa, Iowa City, and The Institute of Technology, Bandung (ITB), Indonesia.

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Monday, 4th of July, a public holiday in the USA, but President David Skorton of The University of Iowa was in Bandung, Indonesia, to sign a Memorandum of Agreement between The University of Iowa, Iowa City, and The Institute of Technology, Bandung (ITB), Indonesia. The MOA was also co-signed by Dr. William Reisinger, Associate Provost & Dean, International Programs, and by Professor Dr. Djoko Santoso, Rector of ITB and Prof. Dr.Emmy Suparka, Vice Rector for Research (ITB). Both institutions agreed to a general form of cooperations in: 1. Joint educational, training and researc activities, 2. Exchange of invitations to scholars for lectures, visits and sharing experiences. 3. Exchange of invitations to scholars for participation in conferences, symposia and seminars. 4. Exchange of information in fields on interest to both parties. 5. Exchange of faculty, research personnel, and graduate and undergraduate students for study and research. 6. Practical training in pre-identified or otherwise selected field sites. Both party agreed that all financial agreements necessary to implement this agreement must be ngotiated and will depend upon the availability of funds. Professor Dr. David Skorton was in ITB for around two hours and had an auspicious discussion with the ITB staff.(ZP)

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