Memorandum of Understaning ("MOU") Between Institut Teknologi Bandung and Universiti Sains Malaysia.

Oleh Unit Sumber Daya Informasi

Editor Unit Sumber Daya Informasi

This Memorandum of Understaning ("MOU") is made and entered into this 31 day of March 2003, between Institut Teknologi Bandung (herein after referred to as "ITB"), and Universiti Sains Malaysia established under The University and University Colleges Act 1971 and having its Principal Office at Universiti Sains Malaysia. 11800 Gelugor. Pulau Pinang (herein after referred to as "USM") of the other part; whereas, the parties hereto desire to make and enter into an MoU under which it be established joint research projects, exchange and training of relevant personnel and mutual assistance in the areas of coal, industrial minerals, fly ash and related mineral and material disciplines. Both ITB and USM agree as follows: The link between USM and ITB involves the following: 1. Joint research projects in coal, industrial minerals, fly ash and related mineral and material disciplines or any areas of mutual benefits. 2. The exchange and training of personnel (staff and students) from both parties. 3. The provision of facilities and places for staff and students from both parties, for the purpose of research and training. The activities under the collaboration will be as described in the collaboration programs which forms the schedules to this MoU. The schedules may be amended by mutual agreement and such amendments will form part of this MoU. The collaboration program between USM and ITB covers the following areas: Staff Development, Curriculum Development, Student Exchange Programme, Research and Development This MOU Signed by Professor Dato' Dzulkifli Abdul Razak, Vice-Chancellor of USM, On behalf of Universiti Sains Malaysia and Dr. Kusmayanto Kadiman, Rector of ITB, On behalf of Institut Teknologi Bandung. In the presence of Prof. Madya Khairun Azizi Mohd. Azizli, Dean School of Material and Mineral Resources Engineering and Professor Dr. Emmy Suparka, Dean of Faculty of Earth Sciences and Mineral Technology of ITB.

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