FTSL ITB Opens Two Courses in 2013
By Nida Nurul Huda
Editor Nida Nurul Huda

Previously, there are some who take shelter in FTSL ITB is Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, and Ocean Engineering. FTSL ITB opens new courses PIUS for Graduate Studies. It is expected that two new courses, answer the need infrastruktru Bachelor of Engineering in the field of water and sanitation and water resources herto said Dwi Ariesyady, ST., MT., Ph.D. (Chair of Environmental Engineering FTSL ITB).
Environmental Infrastructure Engineering (RIL)
As already known, the need for a degree that has the capability and engineering skills in the field of water and sanitation infrastructure. Millennium Development Goals related to water and sanitation will be difficult to achieve in the absence of adequate human resources. Consequently, RIL Prodi himself is needed by Indonesia at this time, particularly in the fulfillment of professionals in the field of water and sanitation.
They are expected to form graduates Municipal Engineer; having proficiency in soft skills and English as well as global perspective, having competence in the sphere of infrastructure (water, drainage, solid waste), scale (quotas, environment, buildings), and the ability or knowledge (the water treatment process and waste, design installation and maintenance of buildings, as well as insight into spatial planning, environmental health and building structures).
The purpose of the course, among others, to produce graduates in the field of water and sanitation to meet the current needs of the nation and produce graduates with the competencies and understanding of the design of water infrastructure and sanitation. Quotas for RIL itself in 2013 as many as 40 people.
Technology and Management of Water Resources (TPSDA)
The slow transfer of engineering knowledge and interest in the generation that is low enough in the field of water resources at this time. In fact, it is inversely proportional to the need for reliable professionals in the field of water resources which reached 1700 graduates per year in Indonesia. During this time, the ketidakperpaduan conservation and utilization of water resources resulting in water resources from upstream to downstream uncoordinated.
For that, as a country that has the largest water resources in the ASEAN countries, and also have some problems such as flooding and drought, water use conflicts, environmental infrastructure performance decline. Therefore, TPSDA Prodi aims to score a competent human resources to address problems of water resources. And to produce graduates who will have the basic skills and competencies in the design of research facilities and infrastructure field of water resources. Quotas for TPSDA Prodi in 2013 as many as 40.
Lecture itself to RIL and TPSDA will be held on the campus of ITB Jatinangor at level two. While at first level students conducting lectures in ITB Ganesha.