ITB Signs Cooperation Agreement with the Ministry of Public Works and UNPAR
By Nida Nurul Huda
Editor Nida Nurul Huda

The first event began with the national anthem Indonesia Raya , then followed by a speech from the Ministry of Public Works , Drs . Zaenal Arifin ME , who explained that the purpose of the inaugural lecture of this one is to increase the knowledge and enhance the spirit of motivation to learn .
Further remarks of Prof. Ir . Suprihanto Notodarmojo , Ph.D. as Dean FTSL ITB explained that success does not come suddenly but should be with hard work . Speech delivered by Prof. second . Dr. Ignatius as UNPAR representatives who argued that the S2 level , it is very essential to study writing , and the conditions are reading , then can not read can not write anyway .After the welcome ceremony then continued with the cooperation agreements signed between the Ministry of Public Works , ITB , and UNPAR . The event continued with a briefing by the Prime Lecture Ir . Agoes Widjanarko , M.IP. , Secretary General of the Ministry of Public Works .
At the public lecture, Agoes described the duties and functions of the ministry of public works is to formulate , asset management , and technical guidance . In addition the Ministry of Public Works also has a priority to improve the economy , improving the welfare of the community , and improve the reliability of the environmental community .