Agropolitan Vehicle: Creating a Timeless Product Design
By Mandeep Kaur Gill
Editor Mandeep Kaur Gill

BANDUNG, working together with Gaikindo, KK Human and Product Design Industry, FSRD ITB a seminar titled ”Agropolitan Vehicle Design” was held on Tuesday (6/5) in ITB East Campus Center Auditorium. Dr. Yono Reksoprodjo’s Practical Automotive as one of the sources presented the trend of design development of vehicles in the past one hundred years.
Yono talked about the best and worst vehicle models. Also he observed the car design trends in the eighties, pre war era, First World War, Second World War, the 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s and even since 2000 to date.
The seminar was in context with the automotive design competition stressing that the agropolitan concept is an important chance for Indonesia to contribute innovative design and invite the designing community to participate in competitions and design means of agropolitan transportation specially for Indonesia.
The agropolitan concept has tried synergizing the lifestyle of society that is more dependant on modernization with widespread development based on development of renewable human and natural resources together with technical operational implementation. Examples of agropolitan towns in Indonesia are Kota Gorontalo, Kota Lembang, Kota Batu Malang, and Kawasan Puncak.
Besides Yono Reksoprodjo’s presentation, the seminar’s purpose was also to introduce the ”Agropolitan” concept in the reality of means of transportation design in Indonesia with presenting several speakers like the ITB Industrial Product Design lecturer Martinus Y Pasaribu, Automotive Practitioner Mizan Alan de Never and Head of ADSC 2008 Jury Hall Irvan Noe’man. A creative designer such as Ridwan Kamil, ITB Architecture lecturer was also present.
The seminar was organized in context with socialization of the automotive design competition “The 4th Automotive Design & Styling Competition (ADSC) 2008”. The seminar was held along with a small exhibition of mock ups by winners of the ADSC competition last year.