Maplesling: Multipurpose Bags Student From SBM ITB

Oleh Ninik Susadi Putri

Editor Ninik Susadi Putri

BANDUNG, - can not be denied if the latest innovation has been growing very rapidly in line with technological advances. Nowadays, people were more likely to ease himself in the work to be efficient by utilizing more sophisticated innovations and simple. No wonder if they dare deeper reach into his pocket to get these technologies. This prompted 18 students School of Business and Management (SBM) ITB incorporated in Maple, Co. or more commonly called Maple to design an innovative bag that was versatile or all in one. Versatile bag that was designed very simple was also invited the attention of many people in terms of bringing together many activities become more practical.
Maple, Co. was one of the student group that formed in mid-September 2014 and with the aim of completing the great task of the course Integrative Business Experience (IBE). Through this course, SBM ITB facilitate undergraduates to conduct business practices in groups called the company. IBE was designed in the 12 credits were divided into IBE I as much as 6 credits in semester 4 and IBE II as much as 6 credits in semester 5. Basically, IBE I was a period for the completion of the business plan while it IBE II was the period of the conduct of business.

Maplesling: Simplify Yourself In The Bag

In designing a business plan, a dozen students from the year 2013 or 2016, commonly called the SBM has taken inspiration from the human lifestyle currently tied with solid activity, allowing them to take many steps in order to achieve efficiency. Inspiration Maple, Co. also driven by the glory of the human team to help in simplifying many life events. Moving on from this idea, Maple, Co. decided to produce a bag that was unique and can facilitate users in the move. They renamed it as Maplesling.

Maplesling The term itself was a join of the word maple which was the name of a tree with a unique leaf, which has five corners each strand, and slings which means sling. Maple leaf itself was used as a symbol of the flag of the country meaningful Canada strong and resilient. The uniqueness and beauty of the maple leaf was pushed dozens of students agreed to name the group and its products with the term Maple and affix said sling end product name. The logo of the company was also in the form of a maple leaf.

The bag itself was designed with a unique shape, which was shaped bag backpack which only has one strap back or called sling bag. Although only use one sling course, this bag will not cause pain in the shoulder users. This condition was called unique, where the emphasis Maplesling bag designed to fit and suit penggunaya backs.

Another unique feature found on the inside of the bag, where there were plenty of pockets to store items, such as special mobile phone pocket, hook for keys, a drink inside and outside, as well as various other pockets which became the flagship of this product. "Seeing human activities, especially office employees and students, they tend to carry a lot of things, such as sports shoes, drink bottles and other devices, requiring them to carry two bags. Through Maplesling, many such objects can be combined into one place," said Edo Prayogo (Management 2013) as President Director of Maple, Co.

Various Options For The Purpose

To encourage competitiveness, Maple, Co. producing Maplesling with 8 colors at once, ie four colors for large size and the remainder to the small size. The emergence of two types of this measure also constituted the main target market of the company, namely the urban people. That is, this bag was designed with a simple style and was expected by the human high mobility, but still trendy and attractive to use. Of course through this bag, the ultimate vision Maple, Co. can be achieved, which was "To be a company that commits in helping people organize Reviews their active / highly-mobile lifestyle through simple and stylishly designed product."

In contrast to other companies that form, Maple, Co. may seem more resilient to advance and defend his team after IBE. As Vice President of Marketing of Maple, Co., Zandri Situmorang (Management 2013) explained that the company was set to continue on, even though subjects IBE has ended. "We agreed to continue this effort, not only for the sake of IBE, but after the success of this Maplesling was our desire to produce more innovation," said Zandri.


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Source documentation: Tim Maple, Co.

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