Colors of Cultural Night CIMPA UNESCO-INDONESIA-School

Oleh asni jatiningasih

Editor asni jatiningasih

BANDUNG, - Culture Night that is part of a series events CIMPA-INDONESIA-UNESCO School, was held on
Friday (06/02/09) in the West Hall ITB. ''This event aims to strengthen friendship between the attendees that came
from various countries. In addition, to show Indonesian culture that is performed by student units,''said Simanjuntak Rinovia as executive committee. In the event which form are dinner and entertainment , the  student activities units were performed such as Unit of Aceh (UKA) and the Angklung Association (KPA). Not only the entertainment from the host, but the participants who came from other countries, such as Australia, Pakistan, India, China, Iran, Jordan, and the Philippines, also show the cultural arts of the country.

CIMPA-INDONESIA-UNESCO School had been held on February 2-13 2009, with the discussion theme of Extrenal Problems Hamiltonicity in Graphs, held by expert group of Mathematics Kombinatorika - FMIPA ITB. Dinner event at round a table which was packed with a relaxed atmosphere was opened by Hilda Assiyatun, ITB Mathematics lecturer as committee and as MC, greeting from Mathematics Faculty dean, Dr. Akhmaloka, then the showtimes of Saman dance from UKA, KPA, and the present popular songs. Gifts and souvenir were delivered by Akhmaloka, such as trophy and souvenir of cloth with puppet pattern decoration as one of the typical art in Indonesia.

In this night culture, was also held Angklung interaction playing between the participants and the KPA. Taught through the command by the hand of the conductor represent each tone, through the slide. The song that is played along with were long last popular songs, such as Que Sera, Sera and Edelwise. Participants look enthusiastic, mostly because they had not hold and play Angklung before. After dinner, the participants again entertained by the KPA's carries popular songs The Beatles, such as Yesterday, Let It Be, Here, There and Everywhere, and I Want To Hold Your Hand.

Participants from other countries joinned in showing their abilities singing a song from the country where they are
from, the national song, or even some participant have read the poems, such as that conducted by Cai Tianxin participants from China. Cai read poems from the country's titled''Fish''Poem. He says that reading poetry is one of
popular culture since long time in China. The event ended with a singing of songs Indonesian memorable songs that was brought by Edy Tri Baskoro and the committee accompanied with the band.

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