Construction of Public Housing for ITB Young Lecturers Officially Commenced
By Muhammad Arief Ardiansyah
Editor Muhammad Arief Ardiansyah

JATINANGOR, – To accelerate the development of ITB Jatinangor campus, the government through its Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (Ministry of PUPR) will build a public house (low-cost rental apartments) for ITB young lecturers in Jatinangor campus. The project is officially commenced with ground breaking and the declaration of public house construction events in Jatinangor campus, Sumedang District on Thursday (23/03/17). Aside from official contruction commencement for the public house, the event held by Special Non Vertical Unit for Housing of West Java (SNVT Jabar) also officially commenced vertical housing construction in various places in West Java.
The construction of the public house is occasioned by the increasing lectures in Jatinangor campus. The campus targets to accommodate up to 10.000 students, teaching staffs and non-teaching staffs. With that huge number, residence will be urgently required. Therefore, ITB is expected to have public house for young lecturers aside from public house for students. It is fortified by the fact that most lecturers that teach in Jatinangor campus live in Bandung where it takes 45 minutes or more to reach. The public house is expected to cut the travel time so the lecturers could allocate more time to teach and to conduct research.
The public house is planned to have five floors in each tower, consisting up to 70 units. Every unit has an area of 36 square meters. With the new policy from the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, the public house will be equipped with various facilities such as bedroom, living room, table with chairs, toilet, bathroom, wardrobe, dining table with chairs, and sofa. Similar public house would also be constructed for various institutions in West Java such as city of Garut, Pondok Pesantren Cintawana Tasikmalaya, Pondok Pesantren Miftakhul Khoir Tasikmalaya, Bogor Institute of Agriculture, Bogor College for Agricultural Extension, Lembaga Sandi Negara Depok, etc. These constructions will utilize the 2017 West Java regional budgets.
The construction of this ruusunawa is expected to finish in December 2017 and to operate from January 2018. According to Bambang Rianti, M.Si as the Head of Housing and Residential Agency, the public house will use teak woods materials to make it strong and durable. These constructions are conducted under the Ministry of PUPR. After the construction is done, the public house will be entrusted to ITB for the sole purpose of easier and planned management.
Many parties express their hopes for the construction of the public house. Ir. Lukman Hakim, M.Sc, as the Secretary of General Directorate of Housing Provision who represented the Minister of PUPR said that the Ministry of PUPR expected the apartment to be a realization of acceleration in housing provision, in accordance with the vision and mission of Ministry of PUPR. He also expected the public house would be utilized accordingly.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Kadarsah Suryadi, DEA as the Rector of ITB expect the public house to give birth to living-learning community culture. This culture would bring intensive interaction between students and lecturers because they will intensively meet day and night. The interaction would be more diverse; not solely formal interaction in education. It is expected that in the future, study and research activities will be more advanced and qualified.