Department of Sport Science SF ITB Held a Prime Fitness Test
By Vinskatania Agung A
Editor Vinskatania Agung A

Therefore, Expertise Group (KK) Master of Sport Sciences School of Pharmacy (SF) ITB through the assistance of the Community Service Program (PPM) initiated the fitness test for ITB lecturers and non-educational staff. The main target of this test is ITB lecturers and non-educational staff aged over 45 years. This activity lasted for two weeks at ITB Saraga Field (3-14/08/2015).Brisk Walking As The Fitness Parameter
There are various ways to test a person's fitness level. In this test which targeting the middle-aged and elderly people, the Department of Sport Science SF ITB used Rock Port as th test method. Rock Port Test is a test that measures aerobic endurance (VO2 max). For doing Rock Port Test, the participant has to perform 1600 m or 4 times round the track of brisk walking. Walking is the most suitable method to test those who aged 45 years or more because it is a safe physical activity that does not cause ligament stress.
Before the test started, the weight of the participants is measured. Then, the participant will have to walk briskly and the committee will record travel time of participants and measure pulse pressure after the test is completed. The data obtained will be processed on the spot and the participants will get the results immediately. Participants will also receive a certificate of the fitness test that states the VO2 max value with fitness category (good, enough, less, or bad). Department of Sport Science will also provide participant with treatment suggestion in the form of physical activity to improve or maintain their fitness. "People with sickness will take medication, but those who are lack of fitness should be drill with proportional exercise to fix the problem. Especially those who is in the age of more than 45 years," said Agung Rubianto, one of the students of Master of Sport Science, which also the field coordinator. Furthermore, participants can also consult about fitness, health, and physical activity programs regarding their fitness.
Inspired by Developed Countries
The idea of this event sparked from the desire to provide a way to monitor the fitness of ITB lecturers and employees. This kind of activity is very common in most institutions developed countries as a way to improve the performance of its workforce. "Humans have a triangle that contains thought, dhikr, and physical. All three components should be balanced so that the productivity can be categorized as good," said the mayor of Bandung, Ridwan Kamil who also follow the Rock Pot Test on the first day of event. ITB had once organized medical tests for lecturers and employees, but this fitness test was conducted for the very first time. This activity involved 9 students of Sport Science SF ITB together with a student from the Faculty of Sport Science, University of Education Indonesia (UPI) as a test jury.
Agung hoped this activity can be held regularly to improve well-being, particularly the health of lecturers and non-educational staff of ITB. Furthermore, he also wished that this activity can also be enjoyed by public. In the future, Sport Science SF ITB will also build a fitness consultation center. It is also a proof of the existence of Department Sport Science and Master of Sport Science SF ITB which just turned three years old this year.