Epilogue Oktober 2017: From Train Station Design up to Astronomy Museum
By Abdiel Jeremi W
Editor Abdiel Jeremi W
BANDUNG, itb.ac.id – The first ITB graduation ceremony of 2017/2018 academic year is an awaited moment for the graduates. At the same time, there are quality works that send the graduates to that awaited moment. Epilogue Oktober 2017 is an exhibition that displayed final project works by undergraduate students of Architecture ITB. The event which was managed by Society of Architecture Students Gunadharma (IMA-G) ITB displayed dozens of building designs by students of Architecture ITB. The event was held at Galeri Arsitektur (Labtek IX B) on Monday-Friday (16-20/10/17).
The displayed works include the planning and prototype of a building. Subtlety emerged when visitors entered Labtek IX B which was filled with wooden mock-ups. Those works were divided into several categories, such as museum, technology park, school, housings, art building, sport center, apartments, worship place, transportation infrastructure, waterfront building, etc. No wonder this exhibition feels like a city miniature consisting of mock-ups. Various building mock-ups displayed there are the final projects of the graduates.
Combination of Design
and Aesthetic
During the first four days, Epilogue has attracted more than one thousand visitors. Farhan Qalbain (Architecture 2016) gave his comment about this time’s Epilogue, “Of all works displayed, I think waterfront design by Cathrine (Architecture 2013) is the most outstanding. The curves give dynamic and streamline impression.” Other than the waterfront, there were other designs such as Gedebage Pop Music Concert Hall design (Bandung), Bandung Public Library design on JL. Naripan (Bandung), Astronomy Museum in Gedebage (Bandung), and many more.