EMINEX 2014: Promote Indonesian Mineral Potential

Oleh Bangkit Dana Setiawan

Editor Bangkit Dana Setiawan

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - ITB Material Engineering Department through Student Association of Material Engineering (MTM) re-organized prestigious events related to the field of professions entitled Engineering Materials and Exhibition (EMINEX) 2014. The event, themed "Indonesian Materials:  Discover The True Potential" was being held on Saturday (11/08/14) at ITB Boulevard and The Parking Lot of Building Ahmad Bakrie. EMINEX 2014 is the fourth event which has been organized by MTM ITB, previous similar event was held in 2001, 2004, and 2008.

The main goal of EMINEX 2014 is to educate public about Materials potential in Indonesia through the embodiment of real work, as well as a forum for academia and professional. The concept of this event is exhibition which has special meaning, namely increasing interaction between visitor and the exhibitor. "The concept is all about direct interaction between public, student, and industry in order to create a warm atmosphere to maximize Indonesian material potential," said Azzahra Rahmani Ali (Material Engineering 2011) as Chairman pf External Affairs in EMINEX 2014.

In this event, also held a panel discussion with similar theme and have Dr. Ir. R. Sukhyar (Director General of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources), Ir. John Smith (Chairman of the National Comission on Mining), and Dr. Ir. Slameto Wiryolukito  (ITB Materials Engineering Lecturer). The discussion was attended bu students and other academicians, it is intented to reach a conclusion to increase Indonesia potential. In addition to the panel discusiion, also held a competition between ITB students association and Indonesia student association wich is related in material engineering. This competion also targeted to high school students and public.

For the competion between students association, the works was displayed in the form of prototype. The displayed prototype was the research about metals, ceramics, and polymers utilizing Indonesian materials which is can be explained to public. Meanwhile competition for high school students was english debate competition  on the topic Indonesian material, and for the public, the competition was about videography about Indonesia materials as well.

"In this event, also presented an exhibition of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) which use local materials and engaged in metals, polymers, ceramics, and composites. The purpose of this is so that UMKM can develop their work and interact with industry directly so they can maximize Indonesian materials together," said Azzahra. Beside of Industry, UMKM, and students, in EMINEX 2014 was also attended  other universities based on materials and metallurgy, and the Association of students of Metallurgy and Materials Indonesia (PM3I) in order to align the idea to promote the potential of Indonesia.

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