FridayNight@TheMovie: Friday Night with Electric Cars

Oleh Gilang Ariawan Wicaksono

Editor Gilang Ariawan Wicaksono

BANDUNG, - Comlabs ITB, for the first time did a film screening in FridayNight@TheMovie which was done on Friday (30/03/12) in Multimedia Room, Comlabs ITB Building. The film's title is Revenge of the Electric Cars, a documentary which tells about development of electric car industry. This event was attended with people from different backgrounds, starting from lecturer, Comlabs staffs, to students from ITB or other campus.

Revenge of the Electric Cars was a documentary film produced in 2011. This film was directed by Chris Paine, and tells about the development of electric vehicle as seen from four pioneers in the industry. This movie focused on the development and situation of four electric cars maker in global competition in the middle of global crisis. 

This film follows the story of four enterpreneur. Bob Lutz from General Motors, Carlos Ghosn from Nissan, Elon Musk from Tesla Motors, and Greg Abbott, an independent electric cars converter. In this story, they refused to wait for international car makers to finally made an electric cars which had been waited and expected by people and communities.

In addition from movie screening, there is also a screening of a video about electric cars testing and video about a 19-years old American teenager who build his own electric car in his garage.

Energy Issue

Electric cars theme was chosen because the issue of energy was a warm topic then. Aside from that, Minister of BUMN, Dahlan Iskan also launched an idea about the usage and research of electric cars. This screening also be expected to enrich the viewer's knowledges, that it was not easy to apply electric cars as public transportation. We need high effort to do that, even for a big country like America. Because of that, electric cars and alternative energy researches needs more support from the academic, government and society.

After film and video screening, there were also a sharing session with Moko Darjatmoko, alumni of Civil Engineering ITB. Moko used to live in United States for thirty years and now he is doing research in Indonesia about education and anthropology.

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