General Lecture : Rudjito's Transformation Recipe

Oleh kristiono

Editor kristiono

BANDUNG, – For those people who want survive and rise in banking career, it necessary to hold all four different quotient i.e. intellectual quotient (IQ), emotional quotient (EQ), spiritual quotient (SQ), and physical quotient (PQ). If collegial activity is mostly depend on IQ, professional work, especially in banking industry, is the other one. We need a smart combination of intelligent, emotional, spiritual, and physical quotient, Rudjito said on Saturday (28/6) at Auditorium SBM ITB. Rudjito, BRI’s CEO predecessor, shared his success experience transforming BRI from big lost during the economic crisis hit into the best state-owned enterprises on 2003. According to Rudjito, the transformation could be divided into management transformation, strategic transformation, structural transformation, and cultural transformation. However, he insisted that the four must bring together harmoniously. Transformation act is best when applied on long term and sustainable perspective. Transformation must be address comprehensively, so that our idea could be buy-in to every stakeholder. “Do not ever let anybody got distracted”, he said. Transformation is not merely a change. Change could happen on various scales. Whereas transformation is always require a fundamental shift. Transformational change will only come out after a strong, charming, and inspiring leader. “Leadership is a role model action, in doing so a leader must be able to synchronize vision, mission, and objective of the company into the heart of employee”, he added. Rudjito is recognized as the best state-owned enterprises CEO on 2003. Rudjito, FE UGM alumni, is now chairman of The Insurance Deposit Agency

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