GMUN Prepares ITB Delegates for International-scale Event

Oleh UKM Student English Forum

Editor UKM Student English Forum

BANDUNG, - Model United Nations (MUN) is a simulation of a United Nations (UN) conference. Throughout the past few years, more and more delegates from ITB are attending this event. To increase the competence and competitive power of the ITB delegates, routined and systematic selection of delegates, preparation, joint practice, and publication are required. These activities are managed and pioneered by the unit Ganesha MUN (GMUN) Club.
A Model United Nations conference is attended by several countries and discusses international problems. In this forum, the participants represent each a country, and will join the conference with the perspective of the country they represent.

There are many MUN events each year. On the year 2011, ITB has sent delegations for Harvard National MUN, Harvard World MUN,  Hong Kong MUN, The European International MUN, Jakarta MUN, along with Indonesia MUN.

Preparing ITB at the International Level

GMUN Club holds selections to choose ITB's delegates for MUN events. The delegates chosen have the right to seek for sponsorship funding on behalf of ITB, and the right to put up publication media in campus area.

To become a chosen delegate, the prospective participants have to go through a selection with a mechanism determined by the GMUN Club. They have to overtake other candidates who are also interested in the MUN events. A sportive, competitive and transparent selection ensures that the delegates representing ITB are really the best representatives.

Selection is also performed to seek out people who would be committed to the string of practice sessions prepared by the maintainers of GMUN Club. This is so that individuals representing ITB at the international level are truly competent and able to compete with delegations from other universities and countries.

ITB students can participate in an MUN without joining the selection determined by GMUN Club. However, the student will not be able to find sponsors on behalf of ITB and cannot put up publication media at campus area.

GMUN Club at Present

Even though it has not been formally established, GMUN Club has been acknowledged functionally by the ITB Student Affairs Office (LK-ITB). As of now, the organization board of GMUN Club is formulation basic vision and mission and internal organization. At the same time, this unit is training 17 official delegates of ITB for the upcoming 2012 Harvard National MUN (HNMUN).

GMUN Club has engraved worthy achievements on recent MUNs. Imam Prabowo (Computer Science 2007) had earned Best Position Paper in the Jakarta MUN, on the previous June-July 2011. Puteri Myrasandri (Environmental Engineering 2008) took the award of Honorable Mention in Indonesia MUN the past early October 2011.

GMUN Club is committed to bring glory to ITB's name at the international level by increasing the quality of preparation and training for the delegates. This newly-enacted unit is also committed towards holding open seminars and discussion forums for other ITB students, in order to share the knowledge obtained while participating in various MUN events, such as communication, negotiation and diplomacy skills.

Mahasiswa ITB dapat mengikuti ajang MUN tanpa mengikuti seleksi yang ditetapkan oleh GMUN Club. Hanya saja, mahasiswa tersebut tidak dapat mencari sponsor dengan mengatasnamakan ITB dan tidak dapat memasang media publikasi di area kampus.

By Diviezetha Astrella

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