High School Students Compete Their Innovative Ideas on Grand Final of RBL EUREKA! Competition

Oleh Cintya Nursyifa

Editor Cintya Nursyifa

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - Research is one of the Tridharma Univeritas (Three Role of University) less considered by most teenage nowadays. Whereas, research can be derived from simple problems that need solutions. Research Based Learning (RBL) is one of the unique learning methods where the learning is done through research. RBL allow learners to create and deepen the concept of physics are studied, such as the concept of mechanics. The method is simple but interesting this is introduced and applied in EUREKA!, a competition RBL for students organized by Students of Physics Association (HIMAFI) ITB. On Saturday (16/01/16), HIMAFI ITB organized the Grand Final of EUREKA! consist seminars, presentations, and demos of top ten finalist of RBL EUREKA! competition, the presentation of Physics ITB students work: "Tools Controls Humidity Kumbung Mushroom", and the announcement of the winner of RBL EUREKA!. The Grand Final was attended by lecturers and Physics ITB students also participants of EUREKA!.

Innovative solutions from Real Problems

Ten teams of competition participant are presenting the work in the form of a tool that aims to resolve the daily problems or polemic that are being discussed. For example, Heat Vision team from SMA Negeri 1 Jember that bring anxiety willpower a mobile phone (cell phone) while traveling. Their works utilizing the heat from motorcycle engines and application effect of Seebeck, where there is a temperature difference between two connections, then there is voltage. The voltage used to charge a cell phone. Utilizations of energy emission are also carried out by the team Volta Adinira. This team makes the RBL that generate electric energy of mechanical energy. Mechanical energy come from the movements of the user's feet while walking or running. Furthermore, the energy stored in the electric power bank for further use.

"The idea came from research to real-life problems, and then we figured out. The problems are not of his own creation," says Dr. rer. NAT. Sparisoma Viridi, M.Si. in the seminar are included in the series of events in the West Hall ITB. The Doctorate and also Physics Teacher at ITB provided the material titled "Physics Research Come from Simple Activities" ("Riset Fisika yang Berangkat dari Kegiatan yang Sederhana"). He cites the example of original ideas are realized into a recognized as international academic innovation, namely electric field-field visualization, chalk holder, and the effect Leidenfrost. Besides Sparisoma as speaker, there were Drs. Hariyadi, M.T. from Unit of Porch Instrumentation Development of LIPI with seminar entitled "Riset Indonesia dan Solusi Mengenai Isu-Isu Terkini" ("Indonesia Research and Solution Regarding Current Issues") and Dr. Fourier Eljabbar Dzar Latief from KK of Earth Physics and Complex Systems, Physics ITB carries the theme  "Peran Siswa atau Mahasiswa dalam Perkembangan IPTEK" ("The Role of Students for Development of Science and Technology").

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