ITB and the Garut Regency Government Establish Strategic Collaboration in the Fields of Education and Development
By Anggun Nindita
Editor Anggun Nindita
BANDUNG, – Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) has officially signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to enhance cooperation for the regional development of Garut Regency on Monday, March 24, 2025, at the Garut Regency Hall.
The cooperation focuses on education, training, research, and community service activities, which can be further advanced through the application of science and technology.
ITB Rector, Prof. Dr. Ir. Tatacipta Dirgantara, M.T., said that Garut Regency, which is only about an hour and a half away from Bandung, has great potential as a living laboratory.
"ITB's mission is to develop the surrounding region, which includes contributing to the development of West Java. In line with our slogan 'Globally Respected, Locally Relevant,' we aim to make a tangible impact on society," said Prof. Tatacipta.
The collaboration encompasses various areas, including programs to eliminate stunting, the development of fish farming and aquaponics in villages, along with innovative downstream industrialization models to ensure the sustainability of these projects. "Hopefully, this will be a good start for us in our community service and in applying ITB's expertise," he added.
Meanwhile, Garut Regent Abdusy Syakur Amin revealed that Garut is the third largest regency in West Java and faces numerous complex development challenges. He hopes that this cooperation with ITB can promote downstream industrialization initiatives and boost the local creative economy.
"We want to improve the welfare of the people of Garut through the use of technology and science. Therefore, we hope for a more intensive and focused collaboration with ITB," he said.
He also expressed his hope that this collaboration can be incorporated into long-term planning, including in the drafting of the 2026 APBD. "We want this program to be a beacon of development in Garut, allowing the people to engage and collaborate with world-class higher education institutions," he concluded.
In addition, the Rector of ITB together with the Dean of the School of Life Sciences and Technology (SLST) ITB, Prof. Endah Sulistyawati, S.Si., Ph.D.; Vice Dean for Academic Affairs of SLST, Dr. Indra Wibowo, S.Si., M.Sc.; Lecturer of Microbial Biotechnology Research Group of SLST, Prof. Dr. Gede Suantika; Lecturer of Microbial Biotechnology Research Group of SLST, Prof. Dr. Pingkan Adiawati M.S.; Lecturer of Microbial Biotechnology Research Group of SLST, Dr. Donny Kusuma Hardjani, S.Pt., M.Si; Partnership Coordinator of Faculty of Industrial Technology (FIT), Dr. Eng. Muhammad Iqbal, S.T., M.T.; Lecturer of Regional and Rural Planning Research Group of School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development (SAPPD), Adiwan Fahlan Aritenang, S.T., M.GIT., Ph.D.; and Director of Partnership ITB, Dr Ir. Endra Gunawan, S.T., M.Sc., visited the site of the Program to Improve Access to Nutritious Food for the Poor through Productive Economic Development for Stunting Reduction in the Garut Regency, West Java.
This program is a collaboration between the West Java Provincial Government, SLST ITB, Mambaul Ulum Islamic Boarding School, and Salman Charity House. During his visit, Prof. Tatacipta expressed his appreciation for the collaborative efforts to address the stunting problem. The current focus of the program is to provide access to nutrition for 50 families experiencing stunting. Additional protein is sourced from the proceeds of the Tilapia Management Fund, combined with Zakat and Fidyah funds. Each week, the families receive additional protein in the form of eggs, chicken, or milk during the training and measurement sessions.
Prof. Tatacipta also hopes that this site can become a field laboratory for ITB students on internship programs, so that they can contribute directly to the innovation and implementation of solutions for the community.
This collaboration is expected to accelerate Garut's progress through the development of technology and science, and improve the welfare of its people with ITB's support in various development sectors.
Translator: Nafi’ah Rahni Nugrahanti (Civil Engineering Student, 2023)