HMFT Seminar : Stand alone with Technology

Oleh kristiono

Editor kristiono

On Monday (30/6), Physical Engineering Students initiate a one day seminar titled “Technopreneurship : Stand alone with Technology” at the Aula Barat Auditorium ITB. Present as speakers were Internet expert Onno W Purbo, Head of Center for Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Leadership (CIEL) ITB, and Rendy Maulana, young web hosting entrepreneur. Rendy Maulana shared his entrepreneurship experiences starting business since in college. Rendy said in the business environment, one plus one is not always equal two, because there is a risk, the thing that every entrepreneur lives with. Hence, risk makes an entrepreneur to be mentally strong. Rendy is just finish his bachelor thesis few month ago, this eradicate fool assumption that a success entrepreneur customary being dropped out from college. On the second session, Dwi Larso presented his idea about business in general. Dwi express his pity to Indonesian intellectual –students in college- whose mainly prefer to work as employee rather than taking risk on business. He believes the situation is driven by the paradigm that skill from college must be laid on professional working environment. Dwi also put his concern on Indonesia industrial portray where small scale industries made up till 95%, enterprises 5%, and mid-size corporate is nearly a big zero. Dwi said Indonesia as developing nation should had at least ten percents of mid-size industries. Those evidence probe Indonesian entrepreneur need to be hardly trained to push their business got bigger. Meanwhile, Onno W Purbo specifically explained the internet and information technology development in Indonesia. Onno recognize himself as former lectures, but now he is still running on his teaching activity broadly via the internet. Onno, an open source software supporter, describe the limitless creativity of some Indonesian in dealing with expensive information technology infrastructure has produce unique invention i.e. RT/RW net, pan-bolic, cheap telephone (VoIP). Such ‘coincidence’ cheap technology invention is now being adopted by many people across the world. Fortunately, as a prominent internet expert, Onno has made opportunity to travel to Bhutan, Denmark, Malaysia, Pretoria and Canada to share his knowledge. Onno said, behind his activity is not merely money, but purposely to share his knowledge. “Give more, get more. Stop worrying because ‘the heaven’ calculator can do no mistake”, he added. The Technopreneurship seminar which attended by hundreds of student was closed with QA session. The questions are varies among student and thus sign of a vast growing sense of entrepreneurship.

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