Holding National Symposium, ITB Invited Chairman of MPR RI
By Cintya Nursyifa
Editor Cintya Nursyifa
BANDUNG, itb.ac.id – ITB carry out the mandate from the President about the establishment of Lembaga Pemantapan Pancasila or Pancasila Stabilization Agency, up to the establishment of Presidential Working Unit for the Implementation of the State Ideology of Pancasila (UKP-PIP) through National Symposium. Taking place at Aula Barat on Wednesday (25/10/17), this activity shows the eagerness of ITB to carry out Presidential Regulation (Perpres) number 54 in 2017 about Presidential Working Unit for the Implementation of the State Ideology of Pancasila which has been regulated since last year (19/12/16). The theme of the symposium was “Knitting Bhinneka in the Framework of Unity: Pancasila as Nation’s Unifier amidst Growing Technology in Cultural Space”.
as keynote speaker was the Chairman of People’s Consultative Assembly, Dr. (HC)
H. Zulkifli Hasan, SE., MM who carried a theme “Knitting Bhinneka in the
Framework of Unity: Pancasila as Nation’s Unifier amidst Growing Technology in
Cultural Space”. The presentation was then continued with short presentation by
Dr. (HC) Ir. KH. Salahuddin Wahid who carried the topic Leadership in
Fortifying Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Prof.Dr.Hariyono,M.Pd as Deputy for Advocate of
Presidential Working Unit for the
Implementation of the State Ideology of Pancasila delivered a topic
about “Pancasila as the Source and Inspiration for Nation’s Civilization”.
Another important topic on the same day was brought up by Prof.Dr.Yasraf A.
Piliang (ITB’s Professor) about “Trans-Discipline in Technical and Cultural Higher
Education”. Those four topics were then discussed by Prof. Dr. Idrus Affandi,
S.H. (UPI’s Professor in Political Science)
to Zulkifli Hasan, in relation with the third principle of Pancasila, Indonesia
has gone through 6 phases of nationalism. The first was from early 20th
century until the Independence of Indonesia. The second was from the
Independence until the revolution in 1950. The second phase ended after the
declaration of Guided Democracy which was famous for the saying “The Revolution
is not Over”. After that phase passed, Indonesia went through the fourth phase,
the New Order. The phase didn’t last as Indonesia entered nationalism phase in
Reform Era. After the Reform, the defending phase is the currently used now.
This topic is part of Studium Generale lecture.
The symposium was then continued with KH. Salahudin Wahid who explained seven characters or values that every leader should have. This topic was brought up because of its relation with leadership and diversity under unity. On that occasion, Prof. Dr. Hariyono said, “Transfiguration is what we refer as a process of response to changes using new insight, transferring old values and objectives under new spirituality.” This symposium is supposed to support ITB in realizing the establishment of Pusat Kajian Kebhinekaan or Bhinneka Research Center.