IMT “Signum” ITB Respond to Challenges in Telecommunication through Telemotion 2017
By Sitti Mauludy Khairina
Editor Sitti Mauludy Khairina

BANDUNG, – Telecommunication is hailed as one of rising sectors. Nearly everyone involves gadget in their communication. However, the rising is neither balanced with relevant manpower, nor it is supported with adequate infrastructure. Considering that, Union of Telecommunication Student (IMT) “Signum” ITB presented their biggest annual program, Telemotion 2017, which was held on Saturday-Sunday (14-15/10/17) at Aula Barat ITB.
Telemotion, which was initially held as a gathering for alumni of Telecommunication Engineering ITB, has become an event to introduce telecommunication to public through a series of events, namely Grand Seminar, Expo & Start Up Fair, and Innovation Challenge.
After discussing telecommunication from business perspective last year, this year’s Telemotion carried a theme “Main Strategy to Carry Out Independent Telecommunication in Indonesia” in the seminar. Starting from 12.30 until 16.30, the seminar presented stakeholders in telecommunication sector, such as the industry, operator, and regulator such as Dr. Ir. Ismail MT as the General Director for Resources and Post & Informatics (SDPPI), Ir. David Bangun, M. Eng, IPM as the Director for Digital and Strategic Portfolio of PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, and Ir. Irawan Purwono as the CEO of PT Nusantara Compnet Integrator.
As the peak event of Telemotion 2017, the Grand Seminar focused on telecommunication, realization of present telecommunication technology, and present condition of telecommunication industry in Indonesia. The secret to Indonesia’s independent, sovereign telecommunication was also discussed. Besides giving new insights and ideas in telecommunications, the seminar was also an effort to respond to challenges in telecommunication industry and to nurture sensitivity to telecommunication issues for students and public.
With its tagline, Connecting Ideas for Indonesia, Kurniawan (Telecommunication Engineering 2015) as the Head of Telemotion 2017 hoped that Telemotion can become a place for society to develop Indonesia, especially in telecommunication sector. “Hopefully, the society will know better about telecommunication technique, they can also widen their knowledge about telecommunication,” he said.