In Commemoration of Higher Technical Education Day, ITB Held The Open Session

Oleh Teguh Yassi Akasyah

Editor Teguh Yassi Akasyah

BANDUNG, - As a pioneer of engineering colleges in Indonesia, ITB  again held the Open Session in commemoration of the anniversary of the Higher Technical Education in Indonesia, which has been aged 94 years. This event was held on Thursday (03/07/14), taken place in the West Hall ITB. In the session was also present the Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr. Ir. Anwar Abubakar, MM., to provide scientific oration related to technical education in Indonesia.

The Higher Technical Education in Indonesia has actually started since the Netherlands, precisely at 1920 which was marked with the establishment of Technical High School (Technische Hogeschool) in Bandung. After Indonesian people struggle for independence, all the lads managed to set up a higher education institution or a union of techniques, such as the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII). "At the beginning of independence, there was a transformation from the Technische Hogeschool become Bandung Institute of Technology which is currently considered as the pioneer of engineering sciences in Indonesia," said ITB Rector, Prof.. Akhmaloka, Ph.D, in his speech at the event.

Akhmaloka also discuss the problems of higher education quality and access to higher education is still a problem that has not been able to be overcome in Indonesia. This time, access to higher education was still dominated by the inhibiting factors, such as costs, and disparity educational background, and bureaucratic system that has not been good. This condition will be the next issue in the face of global challenges, such as the ASEAN Economic Community. "To face the challenges ahead, we need to fix a system that is still applied. Order to establish universities in Indonesia as a strategic role and to form a good quality of human resources," added Akhmaloka.

In response to these problems, Dr. Ir. Anwar Abubakar, MM. participate in providing scientific oration entitled 'Bureaucratic Reforms to Enhance Competitiveness of Nations'. Oration was intended to appeal to trial participants together establish a determination formed bureaucratic system changes the better. Bureaucracy is the most important aspect of running a business, it is also closely related to the progress of the nation. "The main cause of the poor quality of the bureaucracy can be grouped based on four cases, namely legislation, administration, human resources, and management. Principle these should be thoroughly bureaucracy needs to be fixed thoroughly to form a better system," Anwar said in a speech Abubakar.

Higher Education in Indonesia is considered to be the mainstay for realizing the existence of bureaucratic reform in Indonesia, especially to establish qualified human resources. As a pioneer of the science of Engineering in Indonesia, ITB is considered to have a reputation of being competent to encourage these changes. Through the Open Session, Anwar Abubakar confirms that the ITB is able to take a role in supporting the development of qualifications, competence, and capability of human resources challenge in facing the future. "I believe that ITB will attempt to fix the system for the better," added Anwar Abubakar before closing his speech.

The Open Session was also held to giving an ITB Award to institutions and individuals who are considered to have been meritorious made a significant contribution in educational technology to promote Indonesia. The award was given to 18 people, and 6 agencies which are considered to be sufficient categories. In that event, Azwar Abubakar also received an award Ganesha Prajamanggala Bakti Adi Utama in contributing to reform the bureaucracy in Indonesia.

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