Prof. Ari Widyanti Scientific Oration: Cognitive Ergonomic in Industry 4.0

BANDUNG, – Prof. Ari Widyanti, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., delivered a scientific oration on Saturday 18 March 2023 at ITB West Hall. Her scientific oration was titled “Cognitive Ergonomics in Industry 4.0”.Prof. Ari opened her scientific oration by explaining the definition of Industrial Engineering, which is a scientific field that...

March 20, 2023

Prof. Elfahmi’s Scientific Oration: The Role of Biotechnology in Jamu Development

BANDUNG,—Indonesia is well known for its biodiversity, including those used for medicine. Currently, 25 percent of medicine in circulation comes from plants.The traditional medicine system in Indonesia is known as jamu. Thanks to the development of science, jamu has now evolved into modern medicine with high economic value.This was...

March 20, 2023

Biosilica Shell for Waste Decomposition and Drug Encapsulation Innovation

BANDUNG, — ITB LPPM held its 15th workshop on Thursday (16/03/2023) with the theme “Microalgae as a Source of Functional Biomaterials”. The workshop is part of a long-running series aiming to introduce ITB’s contribution in science and technology to the public. As explained by Rindia Maharani Putri, Ph.D., from the Biochemistry...

March 17, 2023

43 USM Malaysia Delegates Visited ITB to Strengthen Partnership and Respond ASEAN Sustainability Issue

BANDUNG, — Institut Teknologi Bandung received 43 delegations from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) in the Basic Science Centre A Building FMNS ITB, Thursday (16/3/2023).The delegates, comprised of 14 lecturers, 7 staff, and 22 USM students participated in various activities concerning the regional issue of sustainability, one of the...

March 16, 2023

ITB Studium Generale: Realizing Sustainable Civilization in Ecological Perspective

Photo: Adi Permana / ITB PRBANDUNG, – Another general lecture from KU4078 Studium Generale was held live at ITB West Hall. The lecture was titled "Reshaping Development: How Engineers and Scientists Encourage Revolution towards a Sustainable Future".This general lecture was presented by David Sutasurya on Wednesday (15/3/2023). David...

March 16, 2023

ITB FCEE’s Research on Sustainable Sanitation for Marginalized People in East Indonesia

BANDUNG,—The ITB Center for Environmental Studies (PSLH) held a webinar titled "Gender Equity, Disability, and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)" on Friday (3/2/2023). Four speakers were invited to lead the discussion, one of which was Dr. Anindrya Nastiti, S.T., M.T., a lecturer from the ITB Faculty of...

March 14, 2023

Handling Waste Problems in Indragiri Village by ITB Material Engineering Students

BANDUNG,—Lentera Indragiri is a program arranged by the Social Community Division of the ITB Material Engineering Student Association (MTM). The program was carried out at Indragiri Village, Rancabali, Bandung."Last year, our team was active in learning the theoretical aspect of village development, so this year we decided to put our...

March 14, 2023