IPWeek 2016: Competition, Connection, and Collaboration

Oleh Yasmin Aruni

Editor Yasmin Aruni

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - The huge IPWeek Event 2016 organized by the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) SC ITB last week was a success. This event is the largest annual event of SPE ITB SC and starting from the first organized, IPWeek this year is his fourth title. In tune with the theme of "Integrating the Connections", SPE ITB SC collaborate with other ITB students from various majors, not limited in Petroleum Engineering. This collaboration even involves many external parties, one of which is the Department of Tourism and Culture in Bandung.

In general, the series of IP Week 2016 event raised issues on energy, either in Indonesia or global scale. In total there are eight of agendas at IPWeek 2016 namely Poster and Photo Competition, Energy and Exhibition, Professionalism, and Career Seminar (IEPCS), Energy Conference (IEC), Smart Competition (ISC), Oil Rig Design Competition (IORDC), Paper Competition ( IPC), Mud Competition (IMC), and the Sun of Indonesia.

Poster and Photo Competition in 2016 IPWeek was held before other events as a form of a publication of the main events. In the photography competition, the theme is the cultural richness of Indonesia. While for the poster competition, the issues raised was the issue of the decarbonization of energy sources internationally.

 IPWeek 2016 officially opened simultaneously by the IEPCS on Thursday (25/02/16). IEPCS seminar explores the world of energy shocks which cause a lot of anxiety on the various elements of the world community. Outstanding speakers from various sectors such as governments and businessmen were invited as Luky General Yusgiantoro, Ph. D (Chief Deputy Environment SKK Migas), Dr. Ing. Andang Bachtiar, M.Sc (National Energy Board), Ir. Ahmad Yuniarto (Former CEO of Schlumberger Indonesia), Salis S. Aprilian, Ph.D (CEO of PT. Badak NGL), and Ir. Yunus Saefulhak (Director of Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources).

The main highlights of the seminar was the weakening of oil prices and its global impact. Yuniarto Ahmad explained that the fall in oil prices was caused by the war between technology and research in the field of petroleum. On the one hand, the advanced technology used for the operations currently causing oil be an expensive business so that the world oil prices a few years back is quite high. But on the other hand, research continues to be encouraged to look at alternatives to petroleum, until the Americans finally develop its own shale gas, causing the rising demand for oil to decline.

Salis added that the oil price crisis was also caused by the slowing world economy as a result of the current economic crisis that hit China and Japan, which incidentally are the key players of the world economy. But amid low oil prices as it is today, which should be emphasized is the need for adaptability and optimization potential in order to remain competitive.

The other competitions are not less interesting is the IEC. The competition is in the form of a simulated conference on energy such as conference at the United Nations (UN). The participants represent certain countries as a delegate and solutions offered by the delegation on problems encountered keenergian should be able to accommodate the interests of various parties.

Other competitions related to knowledge in the field of petroleum such as ISC, IORDC, IPC, and the IMC is not only attended by students from within the country, but also from neighboring countries like Malaysia. It increasingly makes it special is IPWeek 2016 IMC as one of the events in 2016 IPWeek drilling mud is a competition first held in Indonesia.

IP Week 2016 was closed neatly in the Sun of Indonesia, a gala dinner which invited all participants and committee of IPWeek 2016. As the name implies, this event presenting cultural performances will be full of Indonesian culture such as dances from various islands and ethnicity, which is represented by the cultural units of ITB . In addition to dinner, the event also includes the announcement of the winners of 2016 competitions. IPWeek positive responses from various parties is also a motivation for the IPWeek committee to always improve the quality and connections in order to realize an independent Indonesia in the energy sector.

Photo source: Documentation of the committee and author

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