ITB Announce The First Doping Laboratory in Indonesia Officially
By Neli Syahida
Editor Neli Syahida

The Rector of ITB, Prof. Dr. Akhmaloka, Ph.D expressed his enthusiasm to this. Dada Rosada also appreciated to founding this laboratory. "The principle of a sportive sport must be followed by all of communities. The Doping laboratory is not only act as testing instrument for abusing drugs but also as a controller athletes' behaviour to be sportive.
Before this laboratory was founded, there were only 34 doping laboratory in the world. In the past, Indonesia must be sent samples to Doping Laborator in Malaysia or Thailand. The founding of this laboratory is expected to improve word class facilities in Bandung and encourage improving competition capacity of Bandung and Indonesia. Roy Suryo said that knowledge about doping must be followed by technology development. Sport science will develope continuously. And finally, doping testing will be an important need.
After this announcement, Rector ITB and Roy Suryo signed commemoration stone and observed inner Laboratory building. At that moment, Roy expressed that the completion of instruments still in process and the fund would be liquified step by step. "The existence of The Doping Laboratory is very important so that Indonesian Athletes are freed from doping and always respect sportivity," Roy Suryo said.