ITB Architecture Retirement Seminar: Building Solutions for Pro-People Housing

Oleh Nida Nurul Huda

Editor Nida Nurul Huda

BANDUNG , - Settlement and Housing Research Group ( KK - PP ) Architectural Studies Program , School of Architecture , Planning , and Development Policy ( SAPPK ) ITB held Seminar on Friday ( 01/24/14 ) at the Architecture Gallery ITB . The seminar , titled " Vision for Education : Property Management and Real Estate " is invited three lecturers architecture that has entered the end phase as a resource . The third lecturer is Ir . Fashridjal M. Noor , Ir . Suparti Amir Salim , MSP . , And Ir . Sutan Hidayatsyah , MSP .

Series of seminar that started at 12:30 pm and was attended by the entire academic community of ITB Architecture begins with a warm-hearted activities . The event is continued with remarks by Ir . Martokusumo and Dr Widjaja . Eng . E. Hanson Kusuma as the representative of SAPPK and Dr . Ismet Belgawan as the representative of KK - KP . In his speech , they share the experience with the three professors who have entered the end phase . They also hope that the good relations between the three professors with ITB Architecture Program is maintained.

The event culminated when Sutan Amir Salim Suparti Hidayatsyah and presented the seminar contents. Sutan , who was born in Padang, 26 September 1948 has been serving as a lecturer in Architectural Engineering ITB since 1974 . He was also a pioneer techniques  Cheap Air Photos (Small Format Photography Area ) , a technique used to make high -quality aerial photography at a low price . In the seminar , Sutan share various experiences during cultivate the field of architecture . The experience is expected to contribute valuable lesson for continuity as well as the development of education and research in Architectural Engineering ITB .

Suparti A. Salim , is a senior lecturer and researcher at the Research Center LHHB . In the seminar , this women born in Bandung , February 15, 1944. Her seminar linked with the education and residential property development in Indonesia . She hopes education and residential property management , both as an institution and its graduates , to build socio-economic life and remove social inequality in society .

Retirement Seminar is a regular event organized by the Architectural Prodi expertise as a tribute to the teaching staff who have entered the end phase . Dr.  Allis Nurdini as coordinator of the seminar said that one purpose of the seminar is to strengthen the relationship between the academic society . In addition , the seminar is also expected to be an inheritance of knowledge and evaluation of the problems that exist . Related to the theme , Allis said that the theme this time was selected on the basis of KK - PP wishes to organize the educational system and residential properties are pro-people . " It is expected that residential properties were built later and not only for business interests , but also can be reached by all the community , " she closed the interview .

By: Annisa Mienda Chintyarani 

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